Weight loss isn’t that hard than most people think it is. In fact, in most cases, you need to exercise more and eat better. Saying you want to get fit is one thing, but doing it is another thing. Shedding excess weight means a more energized and healthier you. However, there are wrong and right ways to go about weight loss and dieting.
Not sure where to start? Here are the do’s and don’ts to keep in mind to help losing weight easier!
Do’s of Weight Loss
1. DO keep a food journal
You may have read this one before, but it is one of the most important things. Keep a log of the kinds of food that you eat. It will help you control your daily calorie intake and help you avoid eating snacks and other unhealthy food.
2. DO cut out refined carbs and sugar
Added carbs and sugar has no place in a diet that’s aimed for weight loss. They are not filling and are only full of empty calories. They tend to start cravings and spike up your insulin and blood glucose. These things can halt your fat burning.
As an alternative, it is better to eat vegetables, whole grains (in moderate amounts), and fruits. Just make sure you steer clear of refined and processed carbs such as white rice, white pasta, candy, white bread, processed foods, soda, and even cake. These foods are lacking in vitamins, fiber, and minerals.
3. DO exercise
Just as I mentioned above, losing weight means exercising more. You need to combine increased physical activity with a reduction in calories to lose weight faster. These types of events can be simple. You can go out for a walk for half an hour, ride a bike or go on a run. As long as you get your heart pumping with some cardio every day, your body will burn off some fat.
4. DO drink sufficient amount of water
Your body needs water to function correctly to metabolize fats. If you are trying to lose weight, make sure that you drink lots of water. Just as what every doctor says, drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. To help your body burn those extra fats, be sure to drink an extra glass of water for every 25 pounds of excess fat.
5. DO eat your meals from smaller plates
If you want to lose weight, eat less, and eat better. However, what makes this task so hard is that the moment you see your small portions on regular plates, your brain automatically sends signals saying, “this is not going to fill me up.” In response, you will feel hungry after you’re done eating. Try placing your food on smaller plates to make your food look bigger than before. It will surely help you feel fuller than the last time.
6. DO have a proper hygiene
To pair with your healthy diet, it’s best also to keep proper hygiene. Maintaining a healthy bowel movement ensures that whatever you eat will come out properly. Bowel movement-related diseases such as diarrhea can take a massive toll on your healthy diet and can even ruin your exercise.
Also read: 4 popular weight loss role models to follow
Don’ts of Weight Loss
1. DON’T buy what you are not going to eat
If you purchase something, you eat it. If you purchase food that is not on your diet, you will eat it. Solve this issue by clearing your house of junk food and only buying the ingredients that you need for pre-planned meals. If it’s not there, you can’t eat it.
2. DON’T skip breakfast
You will eat more if you skip breakfast. Eating breakfast starts your metabolism and stops you from getting hungry later. Time and time again, several studies have shown that people who lose weight never skip their breakfast.
3. DON’T crash diet
Don’t diet only when you need to lose weight quickly. Instead, make it a part of your everyday life. Crash diets can cause fluctuation in your weight. Staying focused on living a healthy lifestyle will help you see the results that you want. Plus, it will more likely help maintain your healthy weight.
Don’t ever consider your diet as a short-term fix. It may have taken you years to gain those unwanted fats and weight, and it can take only a little less time to lose it again. Make haste slowly as rapid weight loss can cause rapid weight gain. Losing weight is not a sprint. Instead, it is a marathon, so don’t rush if you want to lose the fats.
4. DON’T deprived yourself of food
Starving yourself is not a valid weight loss plan. It is not healthy and may even lead to further complications. Eat food at regular intervals, and have a healthy light meal to give you a boost. Don’t deprive your body to achieve your goals.
5. DON’T give up
At one point, you may feel like you’re not improving or losing weight. Don’t give up. Willpower is a massive help in losing weight. Don’t let up on your exercise, don’t give in to your cravings and you will lose weight.
Don’t worry if you periodically go off your diet. Just be sure not to do it often. When you get thrown, don’t stay off the horse. Everyone can make the wrong choice at some point, but don’t use that as an excuse to give up.
Don’t say, “I messed up,” then not go back to your healthy diet at all. You are only one workout and one meal away from being on track. If you fall off, learn from your mistakes and get back on track. Losing weight can be a pain in the neck, but if you stick with your plan, you will see results.
These simple and straightforward rules are a great start to your weight loss plan. Be sure to stick with them, and you’ll surely see results. Losing weight doesn’t happen overnight. It requires a healthy and clean diet.
Wow will try hehe??
Ultimate goal this 2020,to have a healthy and physicaly fit body.Due to holiday season and hormonal imbalance,i gained so much weight,resulting to bigger and heavier body.Thanks mommy for the tips,it would really help a lot to achieve my goal.