We love travelling but never tried flying, yet. I don’t think I can handle flying with 4 kids haha maybe a few more years from now,or maybe next year (*wink). For sure flying with an infant is a lot more difficult than flying with kids. So if you have plans on travelling by plane this summer or any time soon, this helpful tips from Mommy PRO can save you a lot! (Italics are my opinions)
1. Travel light.You’d be surprised at how laborious it will be to pass through security gates with a baby and heavy luggage in tow, especially if traveling without help. By packing lightly, your transitions from door-to-door or gate-to-gate can become breezier.
Travel light? with an infant? sound impossible no? When we travel, it helps that I am breastfeeding, we don’t have to bring cans of milk, feeding bottles and sterilizer. But for those on formula, limit your feeding bottle to 3 or 4, and use milk dispensers instead of bringing the whole. Bringing a few diaper change will also lessen your baggage, for sure you can more diapers to your area of destination.
2. Bring a travel and space-friendly baby stroller.Your top three considerations when buying one should be: portability, ease of folding, and storage space. If it ain’t all three, then re-consider bringing one.
My sister traveled with his a few years back, alone. I can’t imagine how she did it but she said that her portable and light weight stroller made it possible. I’d go for sling instead of stroller.
3. Always ask for help.Flight attendants are trained individuals and would be more than glad to help. Seeking assistance can range from having them help you with your hand-carry, grab something from your baby bag, or even carry/supervise your baby so you can take a bathroom break.
And ask nicely, having a cranky baby does not mean, you have a ticket to crankiness too.
3. Get breastfeeding information ahead.Inquire in advance on the breastfeeding policies of the airline you are taking. There never seems to be a consistent “policy” when it comes to breastfeeding even if it is generally allowed. Discussions remain torn on whether breastfeeding moms should apply full discretion or go about her nursing duties unabashedly. Wear clothes that make it extra easy for you to breastfeed (like buttoned or zipped blouses) or have a thin blanket to cover up if you are uncomfortable nursing in public.
Here’s a tip: Wear a tube inside your blouse, it makes breastfeeding easier without exposing too much (specially the tummy area).
4. Bring a pacifier.With the root word being “pacify,” they are perfect when it comes to avoiding that dreaded crying fit inside the plane. They minimize the pressure in the ears, too, which could be bothersome for infants (and we don’t want bothersome!) during take off and landing.
I don’t use pacifier, never tried using it but it works to some, so go ahead bring one (as I have mentioned before, I breastfeed, that’s a good “pacifier” too)
5. Choose front seats.You can request for front seats when you check-in at the airport. You and your baby might move a lot during the trip – shifting positions to be more comfortable, standing up to reach the overhead cabin, and rummaging through the baby bag. Having ample space to stir around will give you less stress during the flight.
I don’t know you can request for a front seat but I am sure when nicely asked, a airline attendant will gladly oblige.
Have you tried flying with an infant? How do you prepare for the flight? How was the flight? Please do share your expereince with us so we can learn a thing or two from you. 🙂
Just like you, we haven’t tried flying yet. I wish we can do this soon too. Kahit local destination lang happy na ko 🙂
My aunts and uncles must read this write up!
These are good tips, flying with a baby can be stressful. Be prepared for the worst.
I breastfed all but one of my children. Good tips. Having flown with them, I will say breastfeeding them while taking off is good. It calms them down. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
These are great tips. Traveling with a baby is very stressful so you can never be over prepared.
Great tips! I have never been on a plane with my kids so I don’t how it would be! these are great tips! I love the added commentary!!
I think it is important to just rectify they will get off schedule and things will not go as planned If you are unstressed about that it saves you from un unsettled family in the end!
We just flew with our 5 kids and it went great, but this wasn’t their first adventure out. We only had one trip that I want to forget about the plane ride.
Those are some really great trips. We are planning on taking my daughter on a long car ride so I can use all the tips I see.
We’ve flown twice with young kids. It certainly is an adventure. My 15month old at the time did great on the trip there but had a screaming fit on the way back for part of the trip before she finally passed out. It was more about her being overtired after a trip to Disney than being upset about being on a plane. We survived though and no one is worse for the wear!
I have never used a pacifier either – and never will – and I agree with you that breastfeeding is calming, soothing, and keeps you connected to your baby. I haven’t yet flown with baby #3, but there were no policies with my first 2 that I was aware of. My take on it is if other passengers can eat, so can my baby! On that note, I like your idea for modesty (no need to expose ourselves!).
Travel light! Travel light! Travel light!!! Best advice ever.
Babies need: clean diapers, drink (bottle or breast), a second outfit for emergencies, a blanket and wipes. That’s it! (We flew 24 hours from China to home with just this in our baby bag)
Ask flight attendants for a paper cup — that will entertain baby forever! And, when it falls on the ground — as it inevitably will — you can always ask for another one.
The less you have to juggle (and wiggly jiggly babies are plenty), the more relaxed you will be. The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed baby will be!
Wow, I never knew about the breastfeeding – that will certainly come in handy! Thanks!
Great tips but unfortunately I don’t have kids yet and I don’t know if I will be able to have a chance to ride a plane someday.
It is a real pain to travel with a baby, especially when you’re alone! These are definitely all so helpful!
Really good tips! I didn’t travel with my son when he was a baby. When we finally did go on a plane he was 4 and already a big boy =) If you haven’t already, maybe a post for the moms with older kids (hint, hint) lol
Great Tips . You are like my wife but still she enjoys it.