This is how far your coin can get, watch the video below:
Description from Banco Sabadell Youtube channel:
On the 130th anniversary of the founding of Banco Sabadell we wanted to pay homage to our city by means of the campaign “Som Sabadell” (We are Sabadell) . This is the flashmob that we arranged as a final culmination with the participation of 100 people from the Vallès Symphony Orchestra, the Lieder, Amics de l’Òpera and Coral Belles Arts choirs.
I didn’t get it at first..but soon realized what this video is all about.. or maybe it is just my interpretation that with banking, your coin can give you that much!
Pal Raine says
February 11, 2014 at 8:47 pmWow, I super love the music! Anyway, in my interpretation here is that every time you drop a penny into your bank there is always a great success ahead of you. Because when you save, you’re saving for your future.