Rug or carpet is a nice addition to any home. It adds beauty and style but rugs can be very expensive and hard to maintain. If you own a rug, it is very important that you know the basics of cleaning a rug.
To keep your rug looking good and clean, it is advised to vacuum it twice a month or more frequent if you have kids or a pet that shreds. When you vacuum your carpet, make sure that you vacuum both sides, vacuum the top side first, then the back side and vacuum the top side again.
When there’s a spill or a stain in your rug, make sure to clean it immediately. Don’t let the stains or the spills dried out as it would be harder to remove it. If it is a water spill, use a clean dry cotton cloth and blot the spill carefully. Do not rub the spill as this can damage your carpet. If the spill comes from milk, make sure that you clean it with a mild detergent and water to prevent it from smelling bad.
If your carpet was wet from the flood or if the rug stain or spill was too big, bring it immediately to an expert rug cleaning company.
Yeah it is hard to use rugs espeially stains
We have a carpet, but it’s hidden somewhere safe. That’s because Justin developed rashes while he was playing on it when he was still younger. Now, I’m thinking of using this carpet again, and yes, I need the help of an expert.
Thanks to your rug cleaning tips!