I am now on my third week of the Immuvit MetaFit Challenge. There’s another set of exercise for us and I’m still getting the hang of it (more on that next week). Let me share with you what happened to Week 2.
The new routine for week 2 includes: 10 touch toes, 10 squat jumps and 10 alternate lunges. Here’s a short video for demonstration.
It’s a bit more challenging compared to Week 1’s routine, in fact, there’s a lot of leg work there. After 2 rounds, you can feel that your feet’s giving up. But don’t! Finish it just like what I did and it has to be 4 minutes.
Meta-Fit is a four-minute exercise routine that enables one to burn up to 600 calories in just a few minutes of exercise. Doing this form of exercise promotes higher metabolism and energy, stronger bones and lower blood sugar. It consists of fast, short and intense bursts of anaerobic exercises. -from Immuvit website
MetaFit was designed to reverse somatopause, a condition where in our body’s growth hormone production decreases, together with Immuvit, MetaFit can fight Somatopause. Immuvit is a herbal dietary supplement that contains 2 kinds of ginseng that gives energy boost. As Metafit is a fast, short and intense burst kind of exercise, we need all the energy boost that we can get and Immuvit is the right supplement for that.
During the first few days of week 2, I was doing it once a day, if you can remember, by the end of Immuvit MetaFit Challenge week 1, I’m already doing the routine 2x a day. My goal for week 2 is to continue doing the routine 2x a day. By 4th day of week 2 (day 11), I’m doing it 2x a day and by Day 14, I am already doing it 3x a day.
For this week, week 3, I plan to do MetaFit 3x a day. I also plan to run at least 2x a week and see how far I can go. If I haven’t mentioned it, my ultimate goal for this challenge is to be able to run 3k in 20 minutes or less. I really hope I can do it.
woww . good luck and have fun!
goodluck!!! you can do it.. i’m sure that you can really reach your goal..
will start with this week 2 challenge bukas. tapos try ko isa pa sa gabi using week 1 routines. good luck to me!
wow! ito pala ang week 2, hmmm.. I only did 2 rounds of SET B today, nag allergy shot kasi ako, di pwede mag heavy exercise pagtapos, kaya hapon na ako naka metafit. kakahingal ha.