Absolute Pure Distilled Drinking Water recognized five women who are not only not only great moms to their own families successful on their chosen career but also devoted time to help others. The event was held at Museum Cafe in Greenbelt. Absolute Mom herself, Judy Ann Santos- Agoncilllo were there to hand the award to the five chosen Absolute Moms. Judy Ann, like the five chosen moms, is a truly, absolutely inspiring mom for others. She started her very own foundation, Touch A Heart Foundation, in celebration of her 20th year in the show business. The Touch A Heart Foundation helps in securing the future of children in the Aeta community of Orion Bataan. If I remembered it correctly, Judy Anne worked with the Aetas not just once so I guess that’s why the community is very close to heart.
The five chosen mom that received the Absolute Distilled Water’s Absolutely Inspiring Mom For Others Awards are:
Cathy Babao, founder of Migi’s Corner and The Outstanding Women in the Nation’s Service (TOWNS) Awardee. She was chosen as one of the awardee for her inspiring work of transforming her grief over the loss of her son into a lifetime mission through Migi’s Corner. A foundation that has established play areas in over 10 public hospitals in the country.
Risa de los Angeles, the leader and mentor of the Youth for a United World of Focolare. She was chosen because of her exemplary service in helping the less privileged. She involves her entire family in the youth programs of the Focolare
Patricia Bermudez-Hizon, sportscaster and host who opened her house to fort he House of Refuge Orphanage during the typhoon Ondoy. She is very active in Everyday Is Your Birthday Foundation, which she founded 12 years ago.
Pia Magalona, the wife of late Master Rapper Francis Magalona. She was chosen for her work as the Chairperson of the Francis Magalona Foundation. A foundation that helps transform the lives of public high school students in order to instill Filipino pride. Pia is also hands on mom to her 8 kids.
Tessa Prieto-Valdez, fashion icon, tri-athlete and columnist, chosen because of her charity work with the Assumption High School Batch 81 Foundation.
Absolute Distilled Drinking Water gave a cash donation to each awardee’s charity of choice.
During the event, Inspiration Speaker Ms Maribel Dionisio of Love Institute gave a talk on language of Love. She mentioned how we can give love by first knowing what language of love people around us needs.
Judy Ann Santos- Agoncillo despite her busy schedule and career demands, happily takes the challenging role of being a wife and a mother. As a segurista mom, Judy Ann chose Absolute Pure Distilled Drinking Water because it has gone through a high quality distillation process which is why it is certified by the National Sanitation Foundation Intl, International Bottled Water Association and the FDA.
As a sigurista mom like Judy Ann, I also trust Absolute Pure Distilled Drinking Water, and buy it for my family’s consumption.
==========CONTEST ALERT! CONTEST ALERT! ==========
If you are a sigurista mom like me and Judy Ann, then this contest is for you! Make or Break together with Absolute Pure Distilled Drinking Water will be giving away 2 Absolute Pure Distilled Water Gift Bags!!!!
great! 🙂
my mom is absolute the best simply because she does everything only for us. 🙂
she made me of who i am today.
Having the best time and doing the best thing for my family
My mom is the absolute best because she pushes me to the limit in everything I do.
My mom absolutely the best because she always choose the best for us. She make sure that our foods and our everyday needs are good quality and not harmful like absolute pure drinking water.Clean,safe and affordable.
My mom is absolutely best coz she thinks for our family first before anything and She always there to protect and cares us.Absolutely best mom ever =)
My mom is absolutely best because she knows alot what the bads and good for us and she defenitely did a lot for us .,.,
My mom is absolutely the best because she had endured all the hardship just to send us to school. She always makes us the priority and herself the last.
my mom is absolutely the best because she is always there for us even if we are all grown up.
Being able to raise us her two children for 26 years without my dad around makes her the best of all the bests!
It’s never easy raising even one without the physical support of your partner, and that means a lot to us, having us her children grown to be responsible.
She is simply the best!!!
My Mom is absolute the best because she supports us all the way, guided us in our studies, endless of caring. She’s not perfect but does everything for our family, absolutely the best!
without my mama, im nothing, thats why she’s the absolutely best mother for me
My MOM is the absolute best because our welfare and well-being is her top-most priority.
My Mom is absolute the best simply because she do everything to us and she’s always there to support us. That’s why she’s absolutely the best.
kasi ginagawa nya lahat mapasaya nya lang ang kanyang mga anak at apo. She’s really the best!
“What makes my mom the absolute best?”.Having a mother like her while growing up was the greatest gift and biggest advantage anyone could ever have given me. It is because of the confidence and values that she instilled in me that made me who I am today.
She is the absolute best because she is a loving and caring mom and grandma.
She bails me out of everything and still is one of my best friends all the time. One of the best of the best is that she is here for me. She stands by me.
My MOM is absolutely BEST because from all the love and care effort she showed to make us where we are right now and the values she teaches us that we will carry and pass to our own child i miss my mom love her so much hope shes still here.
my mom is absolutely the best because she is always there for me.
My mom is absolutely the “BEST” simply because she devotes her entire life for taking care and loving her family.
My MOM is absolutely BEST because she works hard for the whole family and yet she still finds time for us.
My mom is absolutely the best because she’s strict like what every parents should be and a best friend to all of us. We can share our problems with her without hesitations.
my mom is absolute best because she’s so selfless
Mom is absolute simply because She’s giving her Full time to her children, Full Love, Full care, and all the Fullest just to make her children Better 🙂
My is absolutely the best because she loves us unconditionally & never ask anything in return.
Mitch Razo
My mom is always the Best no matter how bad or good i am she always stay the same to me and always be there when i need her the most such a loving mom and caring to all her kids and to others as well im proud of my mom.
My mom is the BEst because she give everything she have for all of us and still trying to help us even shes already old just to show us as she care endlessly and loving us so much and also her Apo’s
She taught me how to be a wise individual..
My mom absolute best because she always choose the best for her children. She always supports us all the way.
Mom taught me on how to be a responsible mom for my daughter..
My MOM is absolutely BEST because she always there for me to guide me on how to take care my daughter.
my mom is the absolute one because she is doing a lot of effort just to make me happy,satisfied and good. she loves me very much and i love her too! 🙂
My mom is Absolutely the Best because shes there there for us to always guide us and takecare of us.
My Mom is Absolutely the Best because of all the sacrifices she did just for us to have all that we want by working so hard and sending us to good schools for us to finish Studies and have a better future.
My Mom’s absolutely the best because she’s always support me in all my endeavors. She always give me light to find the right track on my darkest days on my life. She’s always there to guide me to the top. Absolutely the Best Mom in the world.
My mom is absolutely best because she carried me for 9 months without complaining.
My Nanay makes the absolute best because if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have lived this life.
My MOM always their when i needed her.
my mom is the absolute best because she loves me unconditionally. 🙂
Mama is absolute best because she never stops caring for us, her children, though we have our own families now.
My Mom is the absolute best ‘coz she knows how i feel even though without asking. She understands without interrogating. And most specially, she loves me. PERIOD!
my “nanay” taught me how to become a good mother to my two kids!(just like her):0
My mom is the absolute best because she understands me and is the most patient person I know.
My mom is the absolute best because she never fails to believe in me.
My Mom is Absolutely the Best because she is always there for our family. she sacrified a lot for us but the happiness she feels could not be measured
My mom is Absolutely the Best because she love and care in me since i born in this world.
My mom is Absolutely the Best because she always cook my fave dishes!!:) i luv u mom!!!!
My Mom is absolutely best because she always try to do everything for me since im the only child my mom spoiled me a lot 🙂 and shes always there for me.
for their unconditional love that he gave. We know the Mother is not always perfect but she never fails to love us
What makes my mom the absolute best? She remains the same loving, caring & nurturing person she has always been.
My mom is absolutely amazing because her mind is brilliant and her hands are nurturing. She believes in her kids and in what we can do. She raised us in the best way she can. She gave us wonderful life beyond what we wanted.
My mom is absolute best because she loves us unconditionally. She gave her life to protect me and love me even I’m “pasaway”
my makes us well by giving the best and pure love 🙂
My Mom is absolutely the best because she’s always been a good adviser and inspiration to us. Her arms are always ready when I needed comfort and security. I love you Nay.
My mom is absolutely best bec. she always puts our needs first before her own needs.
My mom is the absolute best because she’s a multi-task mom, handling business, family and home together and the support she gives to all her 6 children.
my is absolutely best because she’s not just a mom to me but also my best friend, mentor, buddy. She loves me unconditionally.
There isn’t a single story that I can share of my mom that will accurately and honestly portray how great she is. My mom is wonderful because of all the little things she does consistently everyday.
She is my inspiration to achieve greater things in life. She’s my number 1 supporter
Because thru thick and thin, thru maldita me and so, she still is there for me, supporting me all the way even if I already have my own family! <3
Congrats sa winners