When I was a young kid, I am always concerned with menstrual period and what I am going to do when I first had it. It’s not like today that I can easily look for the answer in the internet, back then all I can do is wait for the day and pray. It was embarrassing to ask someone about it, some would even tease you that you are excited to have it and some would just give you wrong information about it.
Now that I am older, though this is not happening in the near future, I am already reading about menopause. One of the reason is to better understand my mother. Menopause is a stage in a woman’s life where in the ovaries stopped producing egg cells. It usually happens to women ages 40-50.
Symptoms and signs of menopause includes irregular menstrual period, hot flushes and some can experience short temper. Migraine is also one of the symptoms but not all women will experience it. In some cases, there are those that will need Hot Flashes Treatment there are those that won’t need it. The symptoms are different from each other, some won’t even feel it.
Since menopause is a natural thing, the most a woman can do is understand her body and educate herself about it.
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