It maybe too late for my 8 year old son, but I still have some time left for my other kids.. so my mission in life now is to provide them the best memories I can.. what’s with the sudden rush?
I witnessed Progress Pre- School Gold as it unveils Breakthrough Advancements in Learning and Development and one thing I learned from Dr. Maricar Ocampo is Intelligence is not just IQ but also memory. There are different types of memory, sensory, short term and long term memory. It is the first 8 years of life where memories are transformed into long term memory.. so mommies, if you have kids 8 years below, start making happy long term memories with them *wink
“Memory is not just about remembering information but more importantly applying information properly. Your memory affects your ability to easily retrieve and apply stored information, such as in problem solving- and the ability to solve problems is often a factor in defining intelligence,” added Dr. Ocampo.
I also learned from Dr. Sabrina Tan the “triad of success” when it comes to child development: child’s cognitive, social and emotional skills. ” All three skills are independent, interact and factors each other’s success. A child who develops each of these aspects well, has more chances of succeeding in school, in social environments, in different endeavors,” Dr. Tan explained.
That afternoon, I feel like a student learning new things about parenting.. and I was just lucky to be hearing and learning this things from the expert. As parents, we shouldn’t stop learning about parenting and child developments. As Ruffa Gutierrez puts it: ” I have big dreams for my daughters. I want them to achieve more than what I have. I believe that how they learn today will define their future success. That is why I make sure I am always up-to-date in the latest trends in learning and child development, so I can apply to them. The last thing I want is for my kids to lag behind their peers.”
Dr. Maricar de Ocampo and Dr. Sabrina Tan with celebrity mom Ruffa Gutierrez and host Patricia Hizon. Together with guests from media, we watched the 3D unveiling of the all new Progress Pre-school Gold.
Progress Pre-School Gold’s GOLD Biofactors System was formulated based on the latest scientific research, supporting 4 development areas of child: Mental and Visual, Growth, Immunity, and Digestion.
I also had the chance to ask Ruff Gutierrez how she managed her daughters and prevents siblings rivalry, she mentioned about being fair to her daughters and giving them same items to prevent jealousy. We also had the chance to have a photo opps with her (just when I decided not to bring my DSLR argh!)
Hi Id like to ask if its ok to have this milk for a 26month old baby?
this is for 4 years old and above po