I was watching Les Miserables the other day (Thank you so much Olga for this) when I noticed that my 3 year old son is beside me watching it.. later I realized, he enjoyed watching Jesus Christ Superstar (musical) as a baby. Is he musically inclined? does he have a talent on singing? And when I got an invite for i-Shine at Singing: Promil Pre- School and Center For Pop help parents nurture their child’s singing talent event, I went ahead with my 3 year old boy and we also tag Sati along.
Cecile Tamura, Vice President for Parents of the Philippine Association of the Gifted talked about Precocity among musically gifted children. According to her, the pre school age is the stage of development where kids begin to apply what they have learned in their earlier years , with emotional development beginning to partner with their cognitive development.
Weng Lauron, Training of Center for Pop, also finds the pre-school age a good time to nurture a child’s singing talent. “Pre-school age is a good time to start teaching the kids to sing, since at this age we can expect them to do things by themselves. This is a time to learn what they can do individually like brush their teeth without any help, count 1-10 at least and sing songs. Kids at this age are active, they want to move and singing is one activity that involves physical actions.” Weng Lauron said.
Promil Pre school (a powdered milk drink for children 4-7 years) knows how crucial pre-school age is and continue to support parents in the development of their child’s talent through various opportunities that nurtures the child’s talent. i-Shine Talent Camp is one. An event that gave children from all over the country a whole day of singing, dancing and acting workshops.
The kids present during the event was give a chance to participate in a mini singing workshop. Chico and Sati was too shy to join. But Sati sings along as the kids say their meeee.. ahh.. She’s so cute doing vocal exercise! The kids then performed a Christmas carole. Sati although did not joined the carolers, when she heard of picture taking, gladly went to the stage and had a photo opps with the kids:
then gamely posed for the camera:
I think I have a singer model here with me 🙂
kung meron lang din sana ganyan dito sa min, eh pinasali ko na anak ko:D kasi kahit nagkanda-utal2x na sa kakakanta, atleast nasa tono:D