When I got an invite for Willy Wonka’s Imaginarium, I immediately asked if I can bring the kids along (and another Mommy blogger, which is my sister).. I know the kids will love theis event and will have a great time exploring the Imaginarium. And they were all glad that they can come along.
“The Wonka Imaginarium is the first of its kind in the Philippines, and we’re happy to be doing this in time for the holiday season,” shares Ricky Andres, President of Candy Corner Philippines. “More than just giving everyone a chance to get to know more about Wonka candies, our main goal is to give people of all ages a great avenue to feed their imagination and to find a different, unique activity for the whole family to share this Christmas.”
It is a four day exhibit, December 1-4, where the spotlight is on for Wonka Candies. This exhibit is a partnership with Candy Corner and Wonka, a place where they harvests dreams and turns them into candies.
The kids had so much fun with the big bug, ants and the walking tree.. we entered into a closet and pretended we were flying. Then we met the witch and all of us were asked to help find the rainbow and each of us has their own magic wand! With the right spell, we were able to find the rainbow and placed our dreams..
And as we wave bye bye to Mr Wonka, each of the kids were handed out a bag of candies:
That’s a lot of candies! and we’re going to share 3 bags to our readers.. woot! just comment here and tell us what’s your fave Wonka Candy.. and don’t forget to like Make or Break on Facebook and share this post to your friends!
Comment section is open from today until December 9.. I will draw winners on December 12 and will announce the winners here and on the FB page.
EDIT: December 12, 2011
Here’s our winners:
Please PM me your home address 🙂 and mobile number too
My favorite wonka candy is nerds since i was a kid i’ve been eating this soury but sweet candy. 🙂
NERDS!!!! I have had a long time relationship with Nerds which started way back in the 80s. (Geez, I’m old!)
I missed this event so I hope I get to win a giftpack – pampalubag loob. Huhuhu…
I have so many wonka candies that I like it is hard to pick just one. If I have to pick one it would have to be laffy taffy.
Nerds are my favorite!!! always have it inside my bag..
My favorite Wonka candy is runts. I have always loved these!
NERDS! I love their fruity sweet and sourly taste!!
I want one bag for my kiddos!!
My favorite is pixy stix! So love it!
My favorite Wonka Candy is Nerds, grape flavor!! It’s the best flavor for me. Nerds is the best, actually.
Im torn between nerds (watermelon) and gobstopper ( yep I always grab the green (watermelon) jawbreaker everytime I pop open a box) 😀 I looooove the change of flavor on every jawbreaker candy 😀
shared via FB http://www.facebook.com/fraulien.piper/posts/147930485309463
hope it’s not too late
I love Nerds! Sadly…I was not able to attend the event with my daughter. May work kasi 🙁
I am a Nerds addict! 🙂
NERDS! I love its sweet-tangy taste and fruity goodness. It’s like eating a mouthful of crunchy, sugar crystals!
RUNTS! My fave is Nerds but we ate the RUNTS and the little one wants more 🙂 She just loves it. I guess she’s not a nerds fan yet because it takes her a long time to satisfy her sweet craving (because they’re so tiny).
I really love Wonka candies! yet my top favorite is Nerds (strawberry & grape flavors). I can’t resist the taste!
My favorite is RUNTS LALO NA po un strawberry and green apple flavor:)
I love NERDS and RUNTS aver since I was a kid and until now that I have my own kid 🙂
My favorite among Wonka candies is Nerds. 😀
I love nerds lalo na kids ko =)
Nothing beats Nerds.
Nerds is my fave!
wow! I love love love nerds!!! i remember nung elementary pa ako ngsasave tlga ako just to have one pack of nerds every week!
Nerds, my all-time favorite! Naalala ko nung bata pa ako, everytime pumupunta kmi ng mall, I always visit the candy shop and nagpapabili ako sa mama ko ng Nerds. 🙂
I love Wonka’s nerds nakakagising =)
Too bad I was out of town when I received their invite. This looks so fun. I’m sure Una will go crazy with all the candies.
Of course, my all time favorite is NERDS! I grew up to its weird but yummy flavors.
I love the Wonka Nerds so much….
Christmas is in the air because it’s pouring of a lot of sweet wonka candy. 🙂
so far, wonka nerds pa lang nakakain ko (well so far un pa lang naalala ko) hahah i dont mind the brand kc as long pagkain kain lng ng kain. 🙂
Old fan of yours. 😛
share the pic and invite everyone to like your page:
Gessa Marie C
Gobstopper is my fave!!! im craving right now! hahaha!
nerds! 🙂 the imaginarium’s so nice 🙂
My favorite Wonka candies which my son loves to eat too, is the NERDS. We are not nerds for that matter, but it is the only easily available candy I can find in a grocery store:)
We love wonka candies! our favorite is gobstopper!
I Love Nerds..my fav flavor…
Grape and the strawberry lemonade! Yummmm!!
NERDS! Waaaa!
I love all wonka candies but the Nerds is my fave!
My favorite Wonka Candy is Nerds Strawberry because i love strawberry flavor..
pinag aagawan namin mag mommy yan heheheeh
i love nerds!
I love Nerds to the highest level!:)I will share wonka candies this christmas!ho!ho!ho!
My favorite Wonka Candy is Nerds 🙂 I love any flavor!!
i love nerds….
When I was still studying way back hmmm… OMG…tagal na, old na ata ako…always craving for Nerds…and always wait for new flavors, the ever classic strawberry/grape…then came the double-dipped, sour variant, rainbow…hay buti na lang it is still available…miss my childhood…
Runts is my favorite:))
I love Nerds! It has kept me awake during lectures! 🙂
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My fave Wonka Candy is Nerds — perfect combination of chewiness & crunchiness! 🙂
I love NERDS since my childhood days! =)
Me and my kids LOVE Nerds!!
I love Nerds!
Shared this contest:
me and my family love nerds….
I want to try Laffy Taffy hehe. Shared on FB!
nerds !!!!!!!!!! :))
yumm yumm yumm XD
My all time favorite NERDS!
shared: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=140254309416273&id=100002304731368
Nerds is my favorite!!!
i luv NERDS!:)
my favorite is nerds!
I love it1
I love the taste of NERDS!
WoW! Nerd is my favorite candies!
Liked and Shared.
nerds is my favorite…
I love Nerds!!! I grew up with it and now, it is Ayex’s favorite too!
NERDS to the max then pagandahan ng face dance 🙂
Nerds is the best among the wonka candies!
NERDS! NERDS forever! My ultimate favorite of all time. <3
Nerds has always been my top fave since gradeschool! It sure brings back a lot of memories. =)
I love Nerds!
I super love sour Nerds 🙂
Here is my FB post: https://www.facebook.com/vintagekawaii.onlineshop/posts/288835784492492
My Favorite Wonka Candy is NERDS! NERDS! because i love the taste since elementary. i remember buying this in grocery. Memories.
Nerds & Runts to satisfy my sweet tooth hihihi.
wow. i’m joining!
Nerds is our favorite! and also Runts! Yummy!
NERDS forever! Been buying them since elementary days and I would love to get them and other Wonka candies for free! Can’t wait! Yum!
Nerds and Wonka products are my daughter favorites candies.
We always have it on our grocery.
i would love to have those Wonka Nerds!
I love Nerds. From Elementary till now Im still loving it
i love nerds, =D
nerd..love it really!!!!!
i love nerds!! so much!
Hands down, its Nerds! Since I was little, Its been my all time favorite! <3
Shared this post on Facebook 😉
Nerds! even my 2 boys loves the Nerd candies, they love the taste, the sourness and the colors.
* nainggit naman ako, we were not able to attend this sobrang busy (ready pa naman kids ko) got an invites din, sayang talaga, na enjoy sana nila yung activities.
Runts is my fave! but I also love Nerds! Either of the two in my mouth and i’m in heaven already. haha
Wonka RUnts! ;D
Still the best for me is NERDS !!!
NERDS forever! Definitely FTW!My siblings and I often fight over this sweets LOL….
Nerds is my all-time favorite just because it’s so sweet!
Nerds Nerds Nerds!
Love the Nerds specially the ones with 2 flavors in one box!
Hello Madam! I’m so thrilled to know that I’ve won=) Thank you. Already sent my details thru email po=) More power to you and to your blog!
got it 🙂 will send it tomorrow or early Monday 🙂
Whoopa! Thank you so much in advance Madam, and more power!I do hope your son is already well. God bless.
ohh di ako sinwerte:(
sali lang ng sali 🙂