I really enjoyed doing the Black Friday Walmart Experience guest post.. and since I really love anything about sale, savings and discounts, I decided to share more Black Friday Experience from our fellow bloggers.
Here’s what Go Momma Coupons has to say:
When you first heard of Black Friday at Walmart, what was your initial reaction?
Walmart is a HEADACHE!! Probably my least favorite store. I don’t understand why then have so many checkout lanes with only 3 open and 10 people in each line.
Did you plan what you are going to buy for the Black Friday?
Yes, I have a spreadsheet with what I want and the prices for each store. I am filling on my 2011 shopping trip now
Can you share with us what is on you list last year?
Blu Ray player, 50 inch 3D TV, Nintendo DS, Keurig, Panini maker, Shark Pro Steam
On the day itself, what time did you went to Walmart?
I got to Walmart at 6. 2 hours after it opened so the crazy rush was over 🙂
Can you account your experience from the time you arrived until you got your purchase?
The store was empty it was not as bad as I had anticipated
What are the items that you were able to buy and how much did you saved?
I bought about 50 items and saved over $1500
Are you going to Black Friday Walmart again this year? If yes what do you plan on buying this Black Friday 2011 at Walmart?
Yes, I am sure I will go again. Just not the first store. I have about 30 items on my list this year. Nintendo DS 3D, Leap Frog Tablet, iPad 2, iRobot (vacuum cleaner0, Corelle dishes (set of 12), wireless printer….. to name a few
What are your tips for first time Black Friday Shopper?
Be ready to be long lines and crowds. I love shopping on Black Friday. I do 95% my Christmas shopping. I buy tons of stuff for my self too!!! Good Luck
Go Momma Coupons is committed to provide deals and steals to families on the go!! I am a 29 year old stay at home mom to a wonderful 4 year old boy, Kaden. I LOVE to shop and spend money but in a frugal way. I strive to live a fabulous lifestyle on a frugal budget.
Visit Momma Coupon on Facebook to learn more about her great savings and frugal shopping.
Great savings! That’s why many are waiting for the Black Friday Sale.