Welcome to Pehpot’s Internet Shop
Internet is at 20PhP per hour while gaming is at 40 PhP per hour
Other services offered: free meal, free juice and free music (courtesy of the kids)
Yeah right! it is as if I have my own internet shop, what with more than 4 computers connecting to my net.. anyone would feel that way LOL
On ordinary days, we usually have 1 laptop (my hubby’s), netbook (mine used by my sister or the kids), my pc and an ipod. To say that we need a router is an understatement.. actually, our internet connection depends on a router. So when I was asked to review a router with a parental control feature, I did not hesitate. This is very timely as my first born is already starting to use the computer more often. And we already set up a blog for him to hone his writing skills and learn how to easily express himself.
The Product: Cisco Linksys E1000 Wireless- N Router

Specification: 2.4 GHz Band, Fast Ethernet (10/100) Ports
- Guest Internet Access
- WPA, WPA2 and other enhanced security features
- stream stored music to other wireless device around the house

I also like the feature where I can test my internet speed. Now I can know if my provider is really giving me the Mbps they promised 🙂
If you have kids and you want to limit their internet usage, Cisco Linksys E1000 Wireless- N Router is the best router for you.
Now I want to know to know how you stay connected, just answer the survey below:
- How do you access Internet at home? 3G or Wifi connection
- Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many?
- Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using?
- Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price?
- This contest is open for NCR residents only (or to those who have a mailing address in the metro)
- Commenting/ responding is open from October 17- 24
- Announcement of winner will be on October 28 on Mommy Mundo website.
1. Wifi connection
2. yes, 3
3. yes, Cisco Linksys
4. performance
1. Wifi connection
2. yes, 4
3. yes, Cisco Linksys
4. performance and price
1. Wifi
2. Yes. 10-12 gadgets (cellphones, iPods, iPad, netbook, PS3, NDS, PSP, cellphones…)
3. TP-Link before, Linksys now
4. Price and performance
Rowena Wendy Lei
1. I have none of those, I have a canopy on my roof!
2. No.
3. No.
4. Performance
1. Cable Internet
2. None at the moment, but we intend to in the future
3. No
4. All of the above
1.We’re using DSL
2.No, but we have 3 Wi-Fi Devices that needs to connect to net using router.
1. I have a DSL connection, but, since I don’t have a router yet, I access internet using desktop pc, and even though, I have smartphones that can access wifi connection, I still use 3G on my phones.
2. 2 Android phones and a laptop.
3. I don’t have, but, If I’ll get one, it should be LINKSYS, since, I know how to configure it.
4. I prefer B. Performance. As a Technical Support for more than 5 yrs now, I prefer to get a product that is reliable and efficient. Brand comes 2nd, and Price is the last.
1. wi-fi
2. yes, 4
3. yes, Linksys
4. brand and performance
1. WiFi 🙂
2. Yes! 5 computers/laptops
3. yes, it’s Tenda. Slows up our high-speed DSL. Gr.
4. It would have to be the performance 🙂
1) Wifi
2) Yes, 4
3) Yes, Edimax.
4) Brand and price
1) 3G broadband stick, DSL and wi-fi sometimes
2) Yes. 3 devices (laptop, ipod & mobile phone)
3) No.
4) Performance above all others.
Jaja Borja-Laure
1. I have a wifi router connected to my pldt dsl
2. Yes, around 4-5
3.Yes, a D-Link
4. B. Performance
1. wifi
2. yes. i have my iphone and laptop
3. yes. it’s linksys
4. performance and brand
cherry rosales
lucine dot skin at gmail dot com
Great personalized review you have in here Pehpot. I love how you illustrated the features of Cisco Linksys E1000 Wireless- N Router.
Oh, here is my answer regarding your questions above.
1). How do you access Internet at home? 3G or Wifi connection
RON: Before, I am using a 3G connection but now, I am using a DSL connection.
2). Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many?
RON: No, as of the moment.
3). Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using?
RON: None (if ever, Cisco Linksys E1000 Wireless- N Router will be my very first one! *wink*)
4). Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price?
RON: I go for the performance first, then price, then brand.
I hope my answers adds value to your post.
1. WiFi
2. Yes. 3-6
3. Yes. Belkin
4. when i bought mine, price. but now i thnk performance will be my deciding factor 🙂
1. Wi-fi connection
2. Yes, 2
3. Yes, Belkin
4. Performance
Jenny So
1. Wi-fi connection
2. Yes, 2
3. Yes, Belkin
4. Performance
Marlon So
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 2
3. Yes, CD-R king
4. B. performance
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 2
3. Yes, CD-R king
4. B. Brand
1. Cable internet
2. Used to – Yes. 11 (Ps3, iPhone, iPod, 3 Nokia cellphones, PSP, 2 Laptops, 2 Netbooks
3. Yes – Dlink. But haven’t used it for a few months now coz it’s defective after just a year 🙁
4. All three
1. 3G but I want to go Wi-fi
2. None
3. None
4. In case I buy should be B. Performance
1. wifi
2. yes. 5.
3. linksys
4. performance
1. Cable Internet
2. Yes – Around 5-8 devices. (ipod touch, smartphones, laptop, blackberry, printer)
3. Yes Edimax
4. B Performance.
1) wifi, if it fails and its brownout… 3G
2) Yes, (my wifey’s laptop, my boy’s psp and ds, my 3 wifi phones.
3) Yes. its a Belkin N300, it fails most of the time and uses 110 volts thats why i want to replace it.
4) Performance and Price…
1. 3g
2. yes,4
3. none
4. Performance and price
agnes dela cruz
1. 3G using Sun Broadband
2. No. Currently I just use a dongle but before I’m using BayanDSL which connects my PC, laptop and my iPodTouch (3)
3. Yes. nakakahiya but it’s a CDR-King pero it’s still usable up to now 🙂
4. Price 😉
How do you access Internet at home? 3G or Wifi connection
Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many?
***yes, about 5
Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using?
***yes, forgot the brand, red and white box bought from cdr-king
Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price?
1. Broadband stick
2. No
3. No
4. Performance and Brand
Hope to win! 🙂
1. Wifi connection
2. yes, 4
3. yes, Cisco Linksys
4. performance
I always recommend Linksys routers to my clients and to my friends. If they want performance and reliability Linksys in the one.
Wow, nice review on Cisco Linksys E1000 Wireless- N Router.This is the first time I learned about this product..Here are my answers:
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 4 (PC,Laptop,Cellphone and PSP)
3. No
4. All of the above
1. wifi
2. Yes, 3
3. None
4. Performance and Price
1. Wifi connection
2. Yes, 2 laptops and three desktops
3. Yes, Linksys E2000
4. Brand and Performance
1. WiFi
2. Yes 7-8 (wifi phones, printer, laptops, PCs, tablet)
3. Yes, Buffalo
4. b. Performance
1. Wifi
2. Yes. My Laptop and Ipod Touch.
3. No
4. Performance and Price, of course.
1. Wifi
2. Yes 2 laptop 1 smart tv 2 smartphone
3. Yes LinkSys
4. Performance
1. WiFi most of the time. But, we also access through 3G.
2. Yes, there are 3 computers (2 desktops, 1 laptop) and 2 smartphones that connect to our WiFi device.
3. Yes. I have a Cisco Linksys router in my internet cafe that’s been with me for almost 3 years now. They’re the ONLY reliable networking product brand for me.
4. Definitely, it’s PERFORMANCE.
I’ve worked as a tech support in call centers where I handled the accounts of 3 networking product brands, including Cisco Linksys. Out of the 3, most of the issues we encounter with Cisco Linksys were just about how to configure or set it up for their internet connection (there were some ISPs that require cloning the MAC address, etc). After that, everything’s smooth-sailing.
I’ve also used Cisco Linksys routers since I learned how to use WiFi at home so I HIGHLY recommend this brand to anyone who wants to have wifi or even just a wired network at home.
How do you access Internet at home? Wifi connection
Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many? Yes, 4
Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using? Yes, Linksys
Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price? b)
1. How do you access Internet at home? 3G or Wifi connection? – WI-FI
2. Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,
wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many? – YES, AT LEAST 6 DEVICES/GADGETS.
3. Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using? – YES = CISCO 🙂
* we have 3 units of that same black Wireless N-Home router, but I think it’s not E1000 yet
4. Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your
home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price?
1. WiFi
2. Yes. 5-6, both laptops and mobile phones
3. Yes. Linksys
4. b. Performace
1. Yes using a a canopy with a router but not wireless
2. No.
3. No.
4. Performance/Price
1.) 3G
2.) No.
3.) None.
4.) Performance
We have the same router I use at work/home, same color too.
1. Wi-Fi Connection
2. Yes, 4
3. Yes, same router Cisco (North Dakota), Arris (Texas)
4. Performance
1. WiFi
2. Yes, 3 only (WiFi phone, netbook and PC)
3. Yes, Edimax
4. b. Performance and c. Price
1. Wifi connection
2. yes, 6
3. yes, Cisco Linksys
4. performance
1. Wifi connection
2. yes, 6
3. yes, Cisco Linksys
4. performance
1. We have wifi connection at home
2. Yes, about 3-4 namely laptops, iPhone and other smartphones
3. Yes, Linksys
4. Performance
1. wifi router
2. Yes, 2
3.Yes, D-Link
4. B. Performance
1. 3G ba yung sa min? o GPRS lang? kasi hina ng net namin eh.
2. NO we don’t have WIFI eh
3. We have no router eh
4. Performance, in case I need to buy one:)
2.Yes, 4
1. 3G
2. wala pang wifi didto sa min
3. None
4. Performance
1.We have a Wifi connection/ cable internet at home.
2.yes. 1 toshiba laptop, 1 acer notebook, PSP.
3.YES,before TP Link but now were using Edimax router.
4. B. Performance and C. Price
1.Cable Internet
1. None ( i use globe wimax at my place and pldt DSL at home in CLSU)
2. No. (but we have so many gadgets that can connect through wifi)
3. No
4. Performance and Price
1. wifi
2 yes, 3 smartphone and 2 laptop
3. linksys
4. performance
1. Dsl and Wifi
2. as of now No. coz our pc and the other laptop was not yet fixed
3. none
4. b) Performance
1. 3G
2. No
3. No
4. Performance and Price
1. wifi connection
2. yes
3. yes
1. Wifi
2. Yes. Eight.
3. Yes. CD-R King.
4. Price
1. wifi
2. yep. 8.
3. yep. cd-r king.
4. price
1. Wifi connection
2. yes, 6
3. yes, Cisco Linksys
4. performance
1. Wifi connection
2. yes, 4
3. no
4. performance is the most
Oh, this is a more advanced Cisco Linksys router. The interface is quite different from the one I been configuring on net cafes.
The following are my answers on your questions:
1. 3G (SB/GT) *I don’t have any option because DSL line connection is a bit far on us.
2. No (Dreaming of connecting my devices here)
3. No (If time permits I’d like to have Cisco and Dlink routers.)
4. Performance, Brand and lastly Price. 😉
1. Wifi connection
2. yes, 2
3. yes, Cisco Linksys
4. performanc
1. Wifi connection
2. yes, 6 on regular basis
3. yes, Linksys
4. performance and price
1. Broadband
2. No
3. No
4. I go for performance…
1. DSL
2. None
3. None
4. pricing and brand is what i look for… 🙂
We have DSL at home, no wi-fi devices coz we have no router, i go with performance…
1. Wifi connection
2, Yes, around 5 to 6
3. yes, Linksys
4. Performance
1. wifi connection
2, Yes, 4
3. yes, Belkin
4. Price
1. Wi-fi
2. yes 2 to 3
3. Yes. Linksys
4. performance
1) Wifi
2) Yes, 5
3) Yes, D-Link.
4) Performance and price
1. Wi-Fi
2. Yes, 3.
3. Yes, we’re using a D-Link. Performance and brand is extremely important for me. Especially since I work from home, I really have to invest in good quality products which are used for work such as computer, internet connection, and router. Price doesn’t matter much as this is considered a tool for work.
sorry poh mali poh kasi na send ko sa isa mali poh web link, kaya poh nag send ako ulit
3.yes belkin
1. Wifi
2. Yes 8 gadgets like cellphones, iPods, laptops, etc
3. tried both TP-Link and Linksys
4. performance
michelle estranero
1. WIFi
2. Yes, 4
3. Yes, Linksys
4. Performance & Price
1. Cable Internet
2. No
3. Yes, Linksys
4. Performance and Price
1. wifi
2. yes,4
3. yes linksys
4. Performance and price
charish hill
2. Yes. 18 devices in all
3. Yes. Linksys 2.4GHz, 54 Mbps
4. Brand (because if it’s a reliable brand, I’m assured of performance already)
How do you access Internet at home? 3G or Wifi connection – dsl to wifi
Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many? – yes around 8 (smartphone,tablet,laptop)
Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using? linksys that looks like the one posted but its old
Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price?
brand and performance because internet here is a necessity
Name: stacy lyn liong
Email: crumpyliciousblog@gmail.com
1. Wi-fi connection
2. Yes. 18 devices (12PCs for our small business, 1 tablet, 1 laptop & 4 smartphones)
3. Yes. TP-Link / CDR-King
4. Performance
Elinor Semira
I have broadband stick for my internet connection and We still use 3G on our mobile phones
3 android phones,1 laptop a psp and a desktop
None 🙁
1. Wifi connection
2. laptop, cellphone
3. yes, Prolink
4. Performance
1. Wi-fi
2. 4 (PC, 2 Iphone, 1 Ipad)
3. Yes, 2WIRE
4. It came free with my AT&T internet package so I didn’t have much choice. I have no complaints naman.
1. How do you access Internet at home? Wifi connection
2. Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes , how many? 3 (Ipad, Laptop, Telpad)
3. Do you have a wireless router at home? Yes, which brand are you using? Zyxel
4. Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price?- BOTH b & c.
1. Wifi
2 No
3. No
4. C. Price
1. Wifi connection
2. Yes, 3 laptops (mine, hubby’s and my brother who is also our neighbor, my Samsung phone
3. Yes, we’re using Dlink.
4. Performance
1. DSL with Wi-fi and 3G if Globe Internet is down.
2. Yes. Five (Two laptops, two cell phones and one Archos Internet tablet)
3. Yes. Prolink.
4. Performance
marce, i am not qualified to join since i am not from NCR. none of my family is from NCR but anyway to answer your survey:
1. yes
2. yes… 3 – 5 devices (laptop, tv, ipod, bluray player, media receiver)
3. the wireless router is provided by the ISP but we want to get another wireless router… don’t know which brand yet. probably a linksys like this one!
4. performance is very important for us, doesn’t matter if it’s expensive
1) WiFi
2) Yes, there are 9 wifi gadgets in all.
3) Yes, it’s D-Link.
4) Price and performance.
I wanna join the contest too.:
1. I have dsl and wifi at home.
2. I use wife in my Laptop and iTOUCH
3. yes, BELKIN
4. performance is still the priority, that means speed and easy installation for me.
thanks .:D
1. none of the above, we have a canopy in my roof
2. no
3. none
4. price and performance
1. Wi-Fi
2. Yes, three.
3. Yes, TP-Link
4. performance
1. I don’t have either of the two…all we have is DSL
2. No since we currently have no WIFI router.
3. I will vote for the performance.
1. DSL
2. none
3. none
4. performance – the first and foremost..
1. I use 3G whenever our electricity goes out, but usually I use wifi.. 😀
2. Yes. We have about 6 gadgets connected to our wifi, my iPhone, my laptop, hubby’s laptop, daughter’s iPod, daughter’s laptop and hubby’s phone as well.. 😛
3. Yes, we are using the one provided by PLDT and it sucks so bad, to say that the connection gets slow when all of us are connected at the same time is an understatement. Kainis! >.<
4. Performance and Price. I am not too concerned about the brand, as long as it is affordable and it works great, I have no problem with whatever brand, but it would be nice to afford an expensive router.. 😀
I have a Manila address, I hope I can be eligible to win a router, I so badly need an upgrade! 😀 Oh and I love chocolates soooo bad! 😀 hehe crossing my fingers for luck! 😀
1.How do you access Internet at home? 3G or Wifi connection
A. Three ways actually. landline modem through router via lan cable or wifi, and a usb modem.
2.Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many?
A. one laptop, and one pc with a usb wifi lan module.
3.Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using?
A. A Tenda Wireless N (directly connected to modem), and an Aztec wireless (connected via lan and setup as an access point). (At least I get a strong signal from any of the two routers anywhere i am in the property).
4.Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price?
A. Performance/Features > Comparative Price > Brand. In that order.
1. broadband
2. none
3. none
4. performance
1. Wireless
2. Yes, 3
3. No
4. Price and performance
1. How do you access Internet at home? Are you using 3G or Wifi connection? — 3g
2. Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop, wireless printer) at home? If yes, how many? — We have 1 laptops and 1cellphone
3. Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using? – Globe my-fi
4. Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home?
o a) Brand – Yes
o b) Performance — this would be the primary consideration
o c) Price – this would be the second choice
1. WiFi
2. Yes. When my daughter and I are home, 6 gadgets are connected to our wifi, otherwise it’s just my wife and her gadgets.
3. Yes, the one issued by PLDT.
4. Performance. Performance is everything, it does not matter whether it is expensive or not, as long as it works great, then I’ll buy it.
1. Wifi connection
2. Yes, 7
3. yes, linksys
4. brand and price
1. Wi-fi
2. Yes / 3
3. Yes / D-Link
4. Price
Richard Mamuyac
astig316 (at) yahoo (dot) com
1. Wireless 3G
2. Yes, 3 – laptop and 2 smartphones
3. Yes, Encore
4. Price and Performance
1. DSL
2. NO
3. NO
4. Since not familiar with them, I’d rely on the Brand hoping the performance is great.
1. DSL
2. none
3. none
4. performance and price
ooooohhhhhhh parental control. i love the sound of it! hahaha i think i would be needing that in a couple of years!
1. DSL
2. none
3. none
4. performance of course, it will save you more in the long even if it’s expensive..
we do use a router at home. but this is something interesting. will ask about it at our nearest comp shop.
this is great news! bells rang in my ears because i never knew that we can control what our kids search through the router.
1. DSL
2. none
3. none
4. performance is a must for me..
1. WiFi connection
2. Yes! around 5-8 devices
3. Yes, Cisco Wireless N router and Cisco Wireless Repeater
4. Performance wise! to avoid any hassle…in the future !
1. WiFi
2. Yes, 4. Laptop, PC, smart phone and PC Tablet.
3. TPLink Wireless N router, a gift from my awesome big sister, Ane.. 😀
4. Performance. Definitely must perform great, the price and the brand aren’t really that important.
I agree with the awesome!!!!
hehe! Thanks Peh! 🙂
2. none
3. none
4. performance – since our business and my work depend on this gadget,might as well get the best.
1. broadband
2. laptop only
3. none
4. performance
1. wifi connection
2. yes – 4
3. yes – Apple Airport
4. brand and price
1. Wifi Connection
2. Yes – 1 Laptop
3. No
4. Performance
1. Wifi connection
2. Yes, about three on a daily basis.
3. Yes, TP-Link
4. Performance and price. Need to change mine though! Considering either Linksys or D-link. 🙂
1. Wifi – now broken
2. Yes – 4
3. linksys
4. Performance and Price?
1. wifi
2. yes 4
3. d-link
4. PRICE and performance
Here are my answer:
1. DSL, sometimes I connect to Wifi
2. yes, 3
3. Yes LinkSys
4. performance and price 😀
By the way, Very nice review Mam Phe, I understand it well. It illustrated crystal clear 😀
1. Through a wifi router connected to DSL.
2. Yes, 3.
3. Yes, we’re using D-Link.
4. Performance & price.
Email: lovintheprizeoflife(at)gmail(dot)com
4.if ever price and performance
1.Wifi Connection
3.Yes, Lynksys
4.(B) Performance
1. WiFi connection
2. Yes, 6 devices: laptop, tab, ipod, iphone/mobile phone.
3. Yes, CD-R King.
4. Performance first followed by brand and price.
1. Through DSL. Wifi is still on the list of gadgets to have.
2. We only have a laptop owned by my sister. Still other gadgets are on the list to have.
3. None but planning to buy since my sister is using the laptop.
4. I choose performance.
1. wifi
2. yes, 4
3. asus
4. performance and price
1. yes, LAN connection
2. no, we do not have wifi
3. none
4. performance and price
referred by nicquee
1 broadband
2 none
3 none
4 performance/ brand
1. yes, 3g
2. i go online through my mobile
3. no
4. performance
referred by nicquee
1. yes, we only have LAN connection.
2. nope, but hopefully soon we can connect via wifi
3. no
4. performance
1. 3G broadband stick
2. Yes, 4 gadgets
3. Nope, that’s why I’m trying to win one here c/o you. =)
4. Performance of course!
1. DSL only
2. We have three laptops competing for the cable, haha. We have a splitter but it makes the connection really bad.
3. We had one before but it stopped working. Tenda
4. Performance!! 🙂
1. yes, wifi
2. yes, on regular days, 3
3. yes, asustek
4. performance and price
referred by nicquee
1. Yes, broadband connection.
2. we have wifi capable devices but we do not have a router
3. none
4. performance
1. we have DSL connection
2. no, but we have wifi-ready devices
3. none
4. price and performance
I was referred by my sis, Nicquee
1. yes
2. yes, 5
3. asus
4. performance
1. wi-fi
2. yes 2
3. none
4. Performance
1. I am now using DSL but i have tried using Wi Fi before.
2. No
3. Yes but I am not using it anymore. D- Link
4. Performance
1. Yes, I’m using wifi connection
2. Yes, 4 gadgets
3. Yes, Edimax
4. Performance and Price
1. DSL and WI-FI
2. Yes, 3.
3. Yes. CD-R KING
4. Performance and Price
1. wifi
2.yes, 4=laptop,netbook,wii, desktop
3. yes. linksys
4. performance
2. yes, 3
3. yes, belkin
4. performance/price
1. DSL
2. No
3. No
4. Performance, Brand, & Price
1) WiFi
2) Yes, 9 wifi devices in all.
3) Yes, D-Link.
4) Price and performance.
1) WiFi
2) Yes, 5 gadgets.
3) Yes, CDR-King.
4) Price.
1) WiFi
2) Yes – laptop, PC, and mobile phone.
3) Yes – CDR-King.
4) Price.
1. broadband
2. yes, 3 (ipod, laptop, printer)
3. No
4. All of the above
1. Yes, 3G
2. No
3. No
4. All of the above. priority is Performance
Q:How do you access internet at home? 3G or Wi-fi connection?
A:Wi-Fi (DSL)
Q:Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop, wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many?
A:6 Via Wi-Fi, Can’t remember how many on wire.
Q:Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using?
A:Linksys, Belkin, D-Link (Daisy chain)
Q:Which is the determining factor when choosing a router for your home? Brand / Performance / Price?
Name: Jeremy Emata
E-Mail: Speed_Freak159@Yahoo.com
1. Wifi connection
2. Yes, 4 (2 laptops and 2 mobile phones)
3. Yes, Cdr-King (no choice because I am in a tight budget =) )
4. Brand and Price
1. Wifi
2. Yes, we connect 3 PCs and 2 laptops.
3. Yes, we have sa CD-R king wireless router.
4. Performance above all determines the choice for router system.
1. Wifi
2. Yes – 6
3. Yes – Linksys
4. Performance
1. Wifi connection
2. yes, 3
3. PLDT wifi router
4. Performance
1) DSL
2) No
3) I have a Zyxel unit but I prefer to use cable
4) Performance
1.SUN broadband
1. Wifi
2. Yes – 3
3. Yes – CD R King
4. Performance
1.Sun Broadband
1. broadband
2. No
3. No
4. performance
Great review on the Cisco Router Pehpot! Very illustrative and easy to understand. Too bad I’m in Davao so I don’t think I’ll be able to get the reward. 🙁 Anyway below is my answer to your survey:
1.)How do you access Internet at home? 3G or Wifi connection?
–I use 3G at home via Globe MyFi plan to connect in the Internet.
2.) Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many?
— Yes, my MyFi can connect up to 5 devices (2 desktop, 1 laptop and 1 iPod Touch).
3.) Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using?
–It’s a Huawei E5 bundled in my Globe MyFi Plan 999.
4.) Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price?
–B. Performance
1. Wifi connection
2. Yes, 1 desktop and 1 laptop
3. Yes, CD-R King
4. Performance + Price
1. Wifi connection
2. yes, 3
3. yes, D-Link
4. price and performance
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 3
3. Yes, D-Link
4. Performance and brand. Can’t scrimp on things that are used everyday. 🙂
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 2-3
3. Yes, when I stay with my mom, she has this nice Cisco Linksys router, and Edimax as well.
4. Perfomance!
1. Wi-fi Router connected to broadband
2. Yes. 5 gadgets.
3. Yes. D-link
4. performance and price
1. wired connection, sometimes 3G
2.no, before when i was using my router wireless for 4 devices, but that was ages ago when the router was ok
3.buffalo , that was before it was working, none for now, hope i win
4. price and performance
entry for me and my sister coming back soon to manila from abroad.
1. LAN and wifi
2. Yes, 5
3. Yes, I am using D-Link
4. Performance
Name: Gee Ismael
Email add: gee8516(at)yahoo(dot)com
1. 3G
2. laptop
3. No. (that is why I’m wishing to have one just like Linksys Wireless N Router since I’m familiar on configuring it)
4. Performance
1. DSL connection
2. no
3. no
4. price and performance
1. WiFi, mostly.
2. Yes, 4 to 7 devices =)
3. Yes, it’s NetGear
4. b) Performance
1. DSL
2. No.
3. No, we don’t have a router yet. :/
4. Performance.
1. Wifi connection
2. Yes, 3 gadgets
3. Yes, Linksys
4. Performance/ Price
Divine Caraecle
1. DSL
2. No but we have gadgets that needs to be connected with wi-fi
3. No, we don’t have.
4. Performance
1.cable internet but planning to purchase a router, now that my son and hubby had their own pc
4.b. performance
God bless!
1.Smart Broadband/wi-fi too
2.Yes. 7 wi-fi enabled gadgets.
(find urs at FBU^_^)
First of, very well said and so detailed review pehpz
1. We have cable which is also connected to our internet connection
2. No, we don’t connect wifi
3. We have router and the brand is belkin, just cheap one but we’re thinking of buying a nw one.
4. When we bought our router, we just want to try it out and don’t want to spend big amount for it, so we bought the very cheap kind. The performance also is kind of cheap, bumagay sa presyo hehehe
1) Wifi
2) 6 gadgets in all
3) EDimax
4) Performance
1. i connect via wi-fi
2. yes. hmmm…2 laptops, 2 netbooks, an iPad, 1 desktop PC, 3 mobile phones.
3. yes. d-link.
4. performance
1. Wifi
2. 4
3. Dimax
4. Price/Performance
1) Broadband cable connection and Wifi connection
2) Yes, laptop, smartphone and wireless printer.
3) Yes, Linksys
4) brand, performance and quality of the product.
2. Yes
3. No.
4. Price and performance
1. Wifi
2. yes. 2 Laptop, 1 desktop, iPhone, 3 other wifi phones.
3. No, I don’t have a wireless router.
4. I think Performance is first for me, then the price and then the brand.
1. Wi-fi connection
2. Yes! 2 laptops, 2 smartphones, 1 tablet
3. No
4. Performance
Paula Rodillo
1. DSL
2. No
3. No
4. Price & performance
Dorry Lyn Tan
1. DSL / Wi-Fi
2. Yes, 8 devices
3. CDR-King, yes CDR-KING!:D
4. a). Brand
1. DSL
2. 2, laptop and netbook
3. yes, nlink (thai brand)
4. price and performance
1.Wifi connection
2.Yes, 3 (notebook, iPod and cellphone)
3.Yes, DLink
4.b) Performance
1. via DSL
2. 2 – laptop and smartphone
3. none yet
4. performance
1. Smart Broadband / WiFi
2. A Desktop PC, A Laptop, and a WiFi enabled Cell Phone
3. Nope, we don’t have a router.
4. Price and Performance
Jennifer Valmonte
1. Wi-fi
2. Yes, 3 gadgets at a time
3. Belkin
4. Performance
1. Wifi connection
2. Yes. 5 gadgets 🙂
3. Yes, ZTE, the one that came with Bayantel.
4. Performance and Price
1. wi-fi
2. yes, 3
3. yes, tp link
4. performance
2. yes,3
3. yes, TP Link
4. peformance
1. wi-fi
2. yes, 4
3. yes, Linksys
4. brand and performance
1. I have a wifi router connected to my pldt dsl
2. Yes, around 4-5
3.Yes, a D-Link
4. B. Performance
1. Wifi
2. Yup, 3 phone, 2 laptops
3. Same router as yours. Cisco.
4. I would say the brand and reviews by users. =)
1.Wifi connection
3.Yes, CD-R King
4.b) Performance
1. DSL
2. No coz we don’t have gadgets that needs to be connected with wi-fi
3. No, we don’t have.
4. Brand and Performance
1. We access internet at home through a wifi connection.
2. Yes. (3) Laptop, ipod, smartphone.
3. Yes we have.We are using a wireless router from Etisalat(Dubai Telecoms)
4. Of course I am after the performance of a wireless router.
1. Wifi Connection
2. Yes, 3 (netbook and 2 mobile WIFI ready phones)
3. Yes, D-Link
4. Performance
Hi Pehpot…These are my answers to your survey:
1. I access my internet at home through my PLDT DSL.
2. Yes…2 devices (tablet and cellphone)’
3. Yes, Netgear is our brand.
4. Performance.
sayang di pala pwede taga Davao City….
This router is definitely a must have, especially that is has a parental control feature…winner!
1. Wifi
2. Yes. 3 (PC, laptop, android phone
3. Yes. Intex provided by dc-tech
4. Performance and price
1. through wifi
2. Yes, max of 3 devices at a time
3. Tenda
4. Performance and Price
4. Performance
Yep its a great feature for a router especially in monitoring the kids’ browsing of net without u constantly checking in them..to answer the survey 1.in our house we have wifi connection 2. There are 3 laptops and 2 notebooks that at times at simultaneously connecting to it as well as ipod and 2 cp 3. Yes we have a router-TP link 4. Performance
1. Wifi connection
2.Yes, I connect many Wi-fi devices, 7 TO BE EXACT
3.yes,D LINK
4. all, but priority is performance
1. How do you access Internet at home? 3G or Wifi connection – Wifi connection
2. Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many? – Yes, 2
3. Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using? – Yes, Linksys
4. Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price? – B
1. I use WiFi and HSPA+ (4G)
2. Yes. TV, five laptops, 5 mobile phones, 1 PS3, 1PSP, 1NDS
3. Linksys
4. Brand and Performance. 🙂
1. Wifi and cable internet
2. yes, 4
3. yes, Cisco Linksys
4. performance and price
1. How do you access Internet at home? 3G or Wifi connection. None. I use my sister’s lappy when she’s not using it.
2. Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many? Nope
3. Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using? We’re planning to buy one so we can use 3 laptops and our cp all at the same time thru wifi
4. Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price? price and performance of course
will blog about your contest in a while. good luck to all of us!
We use Linksys at home but I don’t know how to configure…hubby does everything.
1. We have both.
2. Yes, 3 iPhones, a wireless printer and fax, 1 tablet, 2 laptops, 2 macbooks.
3. Yes, Linksys Wireless G.
4. Performance.
1. Wifi
2. Yes around 4
3. Yes, DLINK
4. Price and Performance
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 3
3. Linksys
4. Performance
1. How do you access Internet at home? 3G or Wifi connection
2. Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many?
3. Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using?
4. Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price?
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 3
3. Linksys
4. Performance
Done with the survey,
Twitter post : http://twitter.com/#!/iambachuchay/status/126339833072320513
a) Wifi connection
b) Yes, 9
c) Yes, Linksys WRT54G2
d) Performance 🙂
1. WiFi
2. Yes, around 5
3. Yes, Cisco Linksys WRT54G2
4. Performance
1 – Wifi
2 – Yes, 7
3 – Linksys
4 – Performance
1. 3G
2. Yes 2 PSP and Nokia X6
3. No
4. Price
joining hope to win!
1. 3G
2. Yes 2 PSP and Nokia X6
3. No
4. Price
done with survey link:
twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/im_sleepless/status/126514594909913089
FB link: http://www.facebook.com/SleeplessSonger/posts/283678198320894
1. Broadband (wired)
2. No. We don’t have a wireless connection nor a wireless router to use.
3. No. I would love to have one though.
4. Performance of course!
1. 3G
2. yes, 2
3. none
4. performance
1. 3G
2. yes 1
3. none
4. price
1. 3G
2. yes 2
3. none
4. brand
1. wifi
2. yes 2-4
3. yes wifi max
4. performance
a) Wifi connection
b) Yes, 8
c) Yes, Linksys
d) Performance
1. Wifi Connection
2. Yes, 4
3. Yes, CD-R King
4. Performance
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 3
3. Linksys
4. Performance
That’s really a cool router! I have the same router that I’m using in North Dakota where I live and work for the summer. In Texas, I’m using the Arris.
1. Wi-Fi
2. Yes, 4
3. Yes, Cisco Linksys and Arris
4. Performance
1. both
2. yes.around 12 or so…?
3. yes. we’re using cisco linksys.
4. performance.
1. Wifi
2.yes, 3
3.yes, Linksys
4. performance
1. Broadband/DSL
2. Yes, 6
3. Not Yet.
4. Performance and Price
1. 3G and WiFi
2. Yes. Blackberry, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, 3 Laptops
3. Yes. TP-Link and Tenda
4. Price / Performance / Brand
Jeffrey John Imutan
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 2
3. Yes, D-link
4. Performance
Shared of fb and twitter
1. Wifi
2. yes, around 4
3. yes, edimax
4. price
1. Wifi
2. yes, more than 2
3. yes, edimax
4. price and performance
1. Wifi
2. yes, 4
3. yes, buffalo
4. performance
1. Wifi
2. yes, 4 (desktop, laptop, 2 netbooks)
3. yes, edimax
4. brand
1. Wifi
2. yes,5
3. yes, buffalo
4. price and brand
1. Wifi
2. yes, 3
3. yes, dlink
4. brand
1. Wifi
2. yes, 2
3. yes, edimax
4. performance
1. Wifi
2. yes, 2 netbooks, 1 laptop, 1 desktop
3. yes, edimax
4. price and performance
1. Wifi
2. yes, 2
3. yes, edimax
4. brand and performance
1. Wifi
2. yes, 2
3. yes, edimax
4. price
1. Wifi
2. yes, around 4
3. yes, edimax
4. all of the above
1. Wifi
2. yes, 3
3. yes, buffalo
4. price
1. Wifi
2. yes, around 6
3. yes, dlink
4. performance
1. Wifi
2. yes, 6
3. yes, dlink
4. price
1. Wifi
2. yes, around 6 devices
3. yes, dlink
4. performance of course!
1. Wifi
2. yes, 6
3. yes, dlink
4. performance and brand
1. Wifi
2. yes, roughly 6 devices
3. yes, dlink
4. performance and sometimes brand too
1. Wifi
2. yes, 6
3. yes, dlink
4. price
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 6
3. Yes, D-link
4. Performance
1. 3G
2. No
3. No
4. Performance
1. Broadband (sometimes wifi)
2. whenever we have wifi connection, around two to three devices.
3. none ( no wireless router yet)
4. Performance, then the price
1. i access both in 3G and wifi at home.
2. 4, 5-tops, when everything is activated and used 🙂
3. yes
4. if i am to choose 1 – i’d choose performance.. but if i were to arrange them whichever comes first, it would be performance, price, brand.. b ut brand sometimes determines the durability of the product.
Looks like
1. DSL at the internet shop where we lived.
2. No, we don’t.
3. We don’t have wireless router but a cabled router. Same brand – Linksys.
4. It’s the performance of a router and then the price.
1. DSL a
2. Yes, 3 gadgets
4. It’s the performance of a router and of course the price
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 2 devices
3. Yes, D-Link
4. Performance and Price
1. broadband (globe tattoo)
2. Nope, we don’t have wireless connection at home.
3. I have no router in our house.
4. For me it’s the performance even if it’s a local brand but with affordable price.
1. usb broadband (globe tattoo)
2. Nope, we don’t have wireless connection at home.
3. I have no router in our house.
4. For me it’s the performance even if it’s a local brand but with affordable price.
1. 3G
2. none
3. none
4. performance
Camille Quiambao
1. Broadband (wired)
2. no.
3. no, we still use wired connection.
4. performance and price….
1. Wifi
2. Yes, we have 3 devices
3. Yes, Linksys
4. Performance and Price
Best of luck!
1. Smart Broadband
2. No
3. NO
4. Performance and Price
1. Broadband connection
2. Yes. 3
3. No
4. Performance but within the budget
1.) Wifi Connection
2.) No
3.) No
4.) Performance (b) and Price (c)
1. usb broadband (globe tattoo)
2. Nope, I don’t have wireless connection at home.
3. no router in our house.
4. For me it’s the performance and the price!
1. Broadband
2. Yes 3
3. Yes Linksys
4. Performance
jayson biadog
1. usb broadband (globe tattoo)
2. No
3. None
4 Performance and Price
1. Globe Broadband
2. Yes. A total of 2. (tablet and cellphone)
3. None
4. Performance and Price
1.) Wifi
2.) Yes, 5.
3.) Yes, CDR-King
4.) Price
1.) 3G Mobile phone only.
2.) No.
3.) No.
4.) Price and performance.
1. globe broadband
2. yes, we 5 devices
3. ye, provided by globe
4. Performance and Price
1. Broadband (Smart)
2. There is a software w/c allow broadband sharing. wi-fi capable phone can connect net thru my laptop.
3. None at this time, but planning to buy one when our internet is installed.
4. Performance
1.) Wifi Connection
2.) Yes,laptop,psp, tablet
3.) Yes, D-link WIreless n-150
4.) all of the 3
1. We use Wi-Fi at home
2. Yes, 2
3. Yes, Linksys old model
4. b. Performance
1. Broadband and Wi-Fi
2. Yes. 4 devices
3. Yes. D-Link DIR-600
4. Performance and Brand
1. Wifi and broadband when DSL is down
2. Yes, 2 laptops, 2 mobile phones.
3. Yes, Edimax.
4. Performance of course!
1.Smart Bro
4. A and B
1. How do you access Internet at home? 3G or Wifi connection
Wifi connection
2. Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many?
Yes, 6 (we are a big family)
3. Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using?
Yes, Linksys
4. Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price?
Performance since we have a lot of users at home so it has to be able to handle that.
1. Wifi
2. Yes, we connect 6 devices.
3. Yes, Linksys WRT54GS. But we wouldn’t mind an upgrade since it’s 7.5 years old already *wink wink
4. Brand. We never thought of anything else. Just Linksys.
1. Through Wifi
2. I connect 3 of my devices through wifi
3. Linksys
4. Brand (a).
1. Wifi
2. Only 1, my iTouch
3. CD-R King (for Sun Broadband USB)
4. Price.
2. No
3. NO
4. Performance and Price
1. PLDT ( My DSL)/ Wifi connection
2. Yes. 3
3. Yes. D-link
4. b. Performance and c. Price
1. WiFi connection
2. Yes. 2.
3. Yes. Built in WiFi modem from PLDT
4. Performance
1. DSL
2. laptop and pc (router)
3. no. cabled.
4. performance and price.
1. Broadband Connection. For laptop, wifi connection.
2. Yes. 1.
3. Yes. D-link
4. B. Performance
1.)Wifi Connection
2.) Yes – 3 to 5 connections
3.) Yes – Edimax
4.) Performance and Price
I’d like to join po.
1. We use wifi at home
2. 2 phones
3. Not sure what brand but it’s a generic router
4. price
1. dsl
2. 2: laptop and pc
3. cabled.
4. price with performance.
smart dsl
lappy and pc
price plus performance
1. dsl
2. pc plus laptop
3. cable
4. performance and price
lapto and pc
price and performance
1. broadband plugged to a router
2. 1-2 phones
3. not sure
4. price
1. Wifi
2. Yes, we have 5 devices
3. Yes, Linksys
4. Performance and Price
1. Wifi
2. Yes, we have 3 devices
3. Yes, Linksys
4. Performance and Price
1. Broadband
2. 1
3. No
4. Price
1. Wifi
2. Yes, we have 3 devices
3. Yes, Linksys
4. Performance and Price
Parang ang hirap mag-screen capture. O_O
mdali lang naman hahaha kaya lang edit mo pa LOL
1. Wifi Connection
2. 2
3. Yes, EDimax
4. Performance and Price
1. WiFi
2. 2 laptops and/or 1 mobile phone
3. Yes, TPLINK
4. In order- Performance, brand, price
1.) 3G
2.) No
3.) No
4.) Performance (b) and Price (c)
1.) 3G – Broadband
2.) Yes, 5
3.) No
4.) Performance
1.) 3G
2.) Yes, 1
3.) No
4.) Price and Performance
1.) Broadband, 3G
2.) Yes, 5
3.) No
4.) Performance
1.) 3G
2.) Yes, 1
3.) No
4.) Performance
1. Wifi connection
2. Yes, only my laptop.
Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using?
3. Yes, it’s TP-Link
4. I don’t have any idea about what brand is good or not as long as it works and i can surf the net but yes i don’t go for pricey router only because i can’t afford it.
1. wifi
2. yes, 3 laptops and smartphone
3. D-Link
4. Performance
1. wifi
2. 3 mobile phones, laptop & desktop
3. Yes, dlink
4. Performance and price
1. How do you access Internet at home? 3G or Wifi connection – WIFI CONNECTION
2. Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many? – YES. 8 devices 🙂
3. Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using?
Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price? – YES – D-LINK & All of the above! 🙂
1. Wifi connection
2. Yes – 4 laptops, 1 pc, 1 iPad, 1 wireless printer, 4 smartphones.
3. Yes, Aztech
4. I used to go with the flow before and that was Brand, but now the most important factor to me is the Performance.
1. I use DSL.
2. No.
3. No.
4. Price
1. dsl
2. 1
3. none
4. performance
1. wifi
2. 2-5
3. linksys
4. performance
1. wifi
2. 3-5
3. CISCO linksys
4. performance
1. wifi
2. 3-5
3. we have Linksys
4. performance
1. 3g
2. 1
3. none
4. price
1. wifi
2. 2 laptop and pc
3. Tenda
4. price with performance.
1. 3g
2. 1
3. dlink
4. price
1. we have no wifi
2. n/a
3. n/a
4. brand and price
1. we have 3g at home
2. 1
3. dlink
4. performance
1. GPRS lang, hina ng net dito
2. n/a
3. n/a
4. performance!
go tita peh 🙂
I want to have that router, I really need one right now!
1. broadband
2. 3: laptop, pc and internet
3. no
4. price with performance.
hey Peh, I would love to answer the survey too.
1. wifi
2. yes, 2 laptops, 2 pc and 2 cellphones
3. aztech
4. I don’t mind the price, I want what is best for me, so I’d go for performance:)
1. broadband
2. laptop, pc and internet
3. no
4. price and performance
1. broadband
2. laptop, pc and internet
3. no
4. price and performance
4.performance & price
2. 2: laptop and galaxy tab
3. aztech
4. brand and performance
go go go:)
1. 3g sa bahay
2. 1
3. dlink
4. performance
2. Yes, Laptop and Cellphone
3. Tenda
4. I’d say PRICE matters
1. wifi
2. yes, pc and laptop
3. Tenda
4. Price kasi d ako maaka afford nung mahal
1. 3g
2. 1-2
3. none
4. performance and price
1. wifi
2. yes, netbook and iPad
3. Tenda
4. Performance and Price
1. wifi
2. yes 3
3. Netgear
4. performance
Yes, 1
Yes, Cd-r king
tp link
Performance and Price
Yes. One.
performance and price
Yes. One.
yes 1 only
because of your post, i opt to buy one tuloy.its so great kahit nasa 2nd flr me na room sagap pa din.yeayyy…
2.Yes 1
Hope you win this!
Aw I wan’t this too 🙁 waaaah
ang kulit ng asawa ko eh.. :)) goodluck!
1. WiFi connection
2. Yes. 4.
3. Yes. Built in WiFi modem from PLDT
4. Performance
1. Cable modem
2. Yes, 2
3. no. cabled.
4. performance and price.
1. WiFi
2. Yes, at least 4 devices
3. Yes, it’s from Netgear
4. performance
1. Wifi
2. Yes, we have 5 devices
3. Yes, Linksys
4. Performance and Price
1. Wifi
2. Yes, we have 5 devices
3. Yes, Linksys
4. Performance and Price
1. Wifi
2. Yes, we have 5 devices
3. Yes, Linksys
4. Performance and Price
1. Wifi
2. Yes, we have 5 devices
3. Yes, Linksys
4. Performance and Price
1. WiFi
2. Yes, at least 4 devices
3. Yes, it’s from Netgear
4. performance
1. wifi
2. 3 mobile phones, laptop & desktop
3. Yes, dlink
4. Performance and price
1. Wifi
2. Yes. My laptop, iPad, my cellphone, hubby’s smartphone.
3. Yes. Prolink – provided by Globe
4. Brand and performance
1. wifi.
2. yes, 2.
3. linksys
4. Price
1 only
Wifi, 2, bufalo, price
yes, wifi
Wifi connection
2 – printer and laptop
1. Wifi
2. 3
3. woosh
4. Performance, Price
1. 3G
2. No. We have one PC at home which all members of the family is using.
3. None.
4. Performance. I am willing to pay for a pricey router as long as the speed and connection will not be sacrificed. Brand is not a factor for me because I have seen unbranded routers that perform better than branded ones.
1. Others
2. no
3. no
4. Performance
1. Wifi
2. 3
3. Linksys
4. Performance
3G, Wifi
Yes, 2
CD-R King
Performance, Price
yes, wifi and 3g
yes, 3
yes, tplink
Wifi, Others
Yes, 1
3g and wifi
Nah, in my cousin’s house where I used to stay they have wifi. I think it was Buffalo.
1.Wifi, Others
2.yes, 2
3.yes, linksys
2.Yes. 2
3.CD-R King
4.Performance, Price
1.3G, Wifi, Others
3.ambot unsa brand!haha
3.yes, don’t know the brand
Hi, Peh! ayus to ah. eto sagot ko:
Dsl, pero may wifi din, minsan 3g. adik lang.
5 – laptop, iphone, desktop tska printer
brand and performance shempre. Dlink gamit namin ngayon.
2.yes, more than 10
3.yes, sunbroadband
2.yes, many times
3.yes, smartbro
4.Brand, Performance, Price
2.yes, many times
3.yes, smartbro
4.Performance, Price
wifi, dsl
3.Buffalo, Inc.
2.yes, many times
3.yes, sunbroadband
Wifi connection
wifi and dsl
yes, 3
dsl, wifi and 3g
yes, 4-5
2.Yes, 4.
3.Yes, Belkin.
4.Performance, Price
2.Yes, 1 sometimes 2
4.Brand, Performance, Price
2.Yes. 7
dsl and wifi
2. YES, 4
2. YES, 4
2.Yes. 7
2. YES, 4
referred by nicquee
1.Wifi, Others
2.Yes, 4 gadgets!!
3.Yes, Tenda!
4.Performance, Price
2. YES, 4
referred by Nicquee
2. YES, 4
referred by Nicquee
2. YES, 4
3. d-link
referred by Nicquee
2. YES, 4
3. d-link
referred by Nicquee
1. DSL, wifi
2. Yes, 2 laptops, 1 PC and phones
3. Yes, Linksys
4. Brand and Performance
1. Wifi
2. yes, 3. ( 2 desktops and a netbook )
3. yes, linksys
4. Performance
1.Wifi, Others
2.Yes. 4.
4.Performance, Price
3.d link
here’s an answer to your survey:
b. performance
2. YES, 3
4. b. (performance)
YES, 3
2. YES, 3
4. b
Yes, 3
Yes, Cisco
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 3
3. Yes, Cisco
4. b – performance
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 1 Samsung Wave, 1 Archos 70 250GB
3. Yes, Linksys E2000
4. Price/Performance ratio
1. Wifi
2. 3-5
3. Yes, Belkin
4. Performance…but price is important too!
1. DSL
2. No
3. NO.
4. Performance
1. Wifi Connection
2. Yes, 3 — 1 smartphone, 2 laptops
3. Yes, DLINK
4. Performance and Price
1. Broadband
2. Yes, 3
3. Yes, TP-Link
4. Performance & Price
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 5 gadgets.
3. Yes, CDR-King.
4. Price and performance.
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 9 wifi gadgets.
3. D-Link
4. Performance.
1. wifi
2. yes, 3 laptops and 2 iPhones
3. D-Link
4. Performance
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 5.
3. Yes, CDR-King
4. Price
1. DSL and Wi-Fi
2. Yes, 4 laptops, 2 smart phones
3. Yes, linksys
4. Performance and Price.
1. Wi-Fi
2. Yes, laptop and smart phones
3. Linksys
4. Performance and price
1. I use DSL.
2. No.
3. No.
4. Price
1. I use DSL.
2. No.
3. No.
4. Price
2. No.
3. None.
4. Price
1. PLDT MyDsl.
2. Nope.
3. None.
4. Price
1. 3g
2. 2
3. none
4. performance and price
1. DSL sis.
2. No.
3. No.
4. Price
1. wifi
2. 2-3
3. cisco
4. performance and price
1. DSL sis.
2. No.
3. None.
4. Price
1. wifi here at home
2. 2-5
3. Cisco
4. Performance
How do you access Internet at home? 3G or Wifi connection
— WiFi
Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many?
— Yes, 3-4.
Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using?
— Yes, Prolink.
Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price?
— Performance & Price
2. Yes – a laptop,ipad and PSP
3. Yes- cisco
4. Performance.
1. wifi here at home
2. 2-5
3. Cisco
4. Price
1. wifi here at home
2. 2-5
3. Cisco
4. Price and performance
1. wifi only
2. 2-5
3. linksys
4. performance
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 2.
3. Yes, Edimax
4. Price
1. WiFi
2. Yes.3.
3. Yes. from PLDT
4. Performance and prize
1. DSL
2. no
3. no
4. prize
1. we use wifi
2. 1-4 depends
3. Cisco Linksys
4. performance and price
1. DSL
2. yes
3. cisco
4. prize
1. How do you access Internet at home? 3G or Wifi connection
— I use wifi
2. Do you connect many Wi-fi devices (eg, smartphone, tablet, laptop,wireless printer) at home? Yes or No. If yes, how many?
— YES! at least 2 devices.. sometimes I also have visitors at home so it could be 3 or more
3. Do you have a wireless router at home? If yes, which brand are you using?
— Yes, Linksys WRT54G
4. Which is the determine factor when choosing a home router for your home? a) Brand / b) Performance / c) Price?
— price first; then performance, but I know Linksys is really good so for me brand and performance for me is the same
1. Wifi
2. Yes, 3.
3. yes, CDR-King
4. price
Excited to join and hoping to win!
2. No
3. No but we would like to try out a router because we are planning to get a laptop.
4. Performance
2.Yes 1
2. 4-5 devices
3. Linksys
4. performance and price
2. 6
3. Belkin
4. performance
1. Broadband
2. pc and phone
3. belkin
4. performance.
1. DSL and globe broadband prepaid.
2. Yes, smart phone and laptop.
3. Yes, PLDT issued router.
4. Performance.
Dropping by courtesy of Awesome Ane! 😀
Good luck! 😀
2. 6 devices
3. Belkin router
4. performance
1. wifi
2. 6 gadgets
3. Belkin
4. performance
1. Broadband USB
2. 3 smartphones
3. cd-r king
4. price
1. DSL
2. Yes, iPhone and laptop.
3. Yes, PLDT router.
4. Price and Performance.
Hello! Good luck! I hope you kick some a$$ and win! Dropping by courtesy of Awesome Ane! 😀
1. 3g
2. 1
3. huwaei 3g router
4. performance
1. DSL and Globe 3G.
2. Yes, 3 gadgets.
3. Yes, TPLink.
4. Price.
Dropping by courtesy of Awesome Ane! 😀
2. none
3. looking to buy soon
4. performance then brand then price
1. DSL.
2. Yes, phone, laptop, iPod.
3. Yes.
4. Performance.
Dropping by from Ane’s site. 😀
1. WiFi connection
2. Yes, 5
3. Yes, Sun
4. performance and price
yes, TP link
1. DSL
2. Yes. iPod and laptop.
3. Yes.
4. Performance.
Good luck! 🙂
Dropping by courtesy of Ane. 😀
yes, one only
8 devices
cd rking
performance and price
not sure
3g and wifi
yes, 3
yes dlink
performance, price
yes, 4
yes, 2
3 devices
Yes,PLDT modem with wifi
yes 2
1. DSL
2. No
3. None
4. performance
but i’m willing to try one.
no price
1. DSL
2. Yes, before
3. None
4. performance and price.
this post is nice.
2 device
1. DSL – pldt
2. No
3. None
4. performance
I would love to switch to wifi now. our dsl is really slow.
no price
cd rking
yes 2
cd rking
performance and Price
cd-r king
performance price
1. DSL
2. No
3. None
4. price, the cheaper the better but of course, reliable too.
yes, 4
yes linksys
performance and price
cd-r king
yes, 2
yes, 4
yes prolink
performance and price
1. DSL
2. No
3. None
4. performance and brand.
good luck.
yes 3
yes tp link
Brand, Performance, Price
yes 3 laptop
yes cisco
yes 4
yes linksys
yes 2
yes, 2
yes edimax
performance and price
1. DSL
2. No
3. None
4. performance
i would love to try this one.
1. wifi
2. Yes. 4, laptop, mobile phones
3. Edimax
4. Performance
one only
1. wifi
2. Yes. 4, laptop, mobile phones
3. Edimax
4. Performance and Price
1. wifi
2. Yes. 4, laptop, mobile phones
3. Edimax
4. Price
1. wifi
2. cellphone, laptop
3. buffalo
4. all of them
chi rosales
1. DSL
2. Yes. 4, laptop, mobile phones
3. Edimax
4. Price
1. wifi
2. cellphone, laptop, iphone, ipod
3. linksys
4. performance
1. Broadband
2. 2
3. No
4. Price and performance
1. wifi
2. Yes. 4, laptop, mobile phones
3. Edimax
4. Price
1. wi-fi
2. cellphone, laptop, psp, PS3
3. d-link
4. brand and performance
1. i use wifi
2. iphone, laptop, PS3
3. linksys
4. performance and price
1. we use wi-fi at home and at the restaurant
2. cellphone and laptop
3. linksys at home and d-link at the restaurant
4. price and performance
1. cable
2. Yes, 2 mobile phones, 2 laptops & desktop
3. Yes, DLINK
4. Performance and price
1. Wifi connection
2. cellphone,laptop
3. yes, Prolink
4. I go for performance
1. wifi
2. Yes, 4 laptops 2 mobiles
3. Yes, Asus
4. Performance
1. WiFi
2. Yes, 1 desktop and 2 laptops
3. Yes, D-link
4. Performance
1. DSL
2. no
3. no
4. all 3
1. wifi Connection
2. cellphone and laptop
3. yes, Prolink
4. performance
1. Wifi connection
2. 1 laptop, 2 cellphone
3. yes, Prolink
4. Performance
1. Wifi connection
2. 1 laptop, 2 cellphones
3. yes, Prolink
4. performance
Hello There. I found your blog using msn. This is a very well written arlcite. I’ll be sure to bookmark it and come back to read more of BEST YOUR LIFE Change Your Life NOW! Mastermind Group . Thanks for the post. I’ll definitely return.
1. wifi connection
2. 2 cellphones, 1 laptop
3. yes, Prolink
4. Performance
I like the parental control feature. lumalaki na rin little girl ko.
1. 3G nd in the next few day wifi na rin
2. yes, a laptop
3. yes, cheap one belkin
4. depends with budget but choosing the performance should be the main factor.
1. wifi
2. yes, laptop,iphone
3. wireless
4. yes.
yes, 3g
1. DSL
2. No
2.YES 1
1. smart bro plugin
2. no
3. no
4. price
2.Laptop, Ipad2, Galaxytab
I guess this is good,
1. Wi-fi connection
2. Yes, 2
3. Yes, Belkin
4. Performance
Nice blog, keep on posting.
Hi would you mind sharing which blog platform you’re working with? I’m looking to start my own blog soon but I’m having a tough time deciding between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal. The reason I ask is because your design seems different then most blogs and I’m looking for something completely unique. P.S My apologies for being off-topic but I had to ask!
I’m using WordPress and headway for my theme 🙂
Cool blog! Is your theme custom made or did you download
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tweeks would really make my blog stand out. Please
let me know where you got your theme. Cheers
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