Her name is actually older than she is.. we have been saving it since 2005. Sofia Ananta.. It’s a Russian- Indian name.. Sofia which means wisdom, Ananta which means endless…
After giving birth to baby boy in 2003, we have been hoping for a baby girl but only after 2 more boys that our wish has been granted. To say that she is the princess is an understatement. She is the center of our attention, the only girl in the family… the one we waited for so long. When I first learned about her gender, I was ecstatic, we were all ecstatic, from my first born down to the third and so are my siblings, specially my mom. My husband of course was smiling ears to ears.
When we had her, every one wants to cuddle, hug and kiss.. And because she is very special to us, we only trusted one brand for her skin.. Johnson’s Baby Milk Bath. Now that she’s a toddler, she still use the same product. She’s growing more and more right before our eyes!
That’s her a few hours after I gave birth to her.. still in the nursery, getting ready to meet mommy for the first time 🙂
Here, she’s ready for a dip… growing really fast. Before, even her toes are covered, here, she does not even care that her big tummy is exposed and she’s liking it!
When she turns one, we were all surprised how big she is and the antics that she can do.. she can stand by herself and speak a lot of words. She even know how to kiss with a smacking sound and really knows how to appreciate things.
This was early this year and look how she is starting to learn how to pose for the camera..and she is very meticulous with her clothes.. she even go with us when we shop.
And this is her most recent photo.. she knows how to pose like a real mowdel! She’s really growing up so fast, it seems like just yesterday when we brought her home and now she’s a very big girl already.. doing things that really amazed us and make us very proud.
This is one of her growing up so fast moment.. she knows how to brush her teeth already! not only that, she really knows how to gargle! I can’t imagine what other things she can a few more months from now.. I bet she’ll be asking for the car keys or using my pc on her own..
She is changing before my eyes but his/her skin is still like a baby’s. We still need the gentle care of JOHNSON’s Baby Milk Bath, with Vitamins A&E and 100% more milk proteins to nourish developing skin.
And just when I thought I had it all with her antics, I caught her tinkering my gadget!
She really is growing up so fast!
Now dear mommies.. do you want a gift pack from Johnson’s? Here’s how to:
- Leave a comment here and make up your own caption for my entry.. (last photo).. (one caption per reader) Comments from Oct 8-21 only 🙂
- Like Johnson’s Baby World of Firsts Facebook page (Only followers who like the Johnson’s Baby World of Firsts Facebook page will be allowed to win.)
– Creativity of Title: 50%
Cuteness of title
Unique play of words.
– Relevance to article: 50%
So what do you think guys? what’s the best caption to describe my little shutterbug?
Syempre inggit ako at may girl ka na ‘no! Kakagigil si Sati! I love how she holds the camera. Very serious ang look ha! Mukhang may future photoblogger ka na.
Ang cute cute! I just can’t pass by and close the browser without saying she’s so adorable! Nice one!
They really do grow up sooooo fast. She must be wondering where are all the people and stuff living in that camera 🙂 It must be quite heavy for her to hold it too. Strong girl!
sayang di pa makasali hehehe.. nasa tummy pa si baby e
oh galing ahh.. well, iba tlga dating ng baby girl. my sister wanted to have a baby girl of her soon but not this time. how she wished nga baby girl naging baby ko but still love nia pa rin naman baby ko..
okay here’s my caption.. the one when she’s brushing her teeth:
Oh mama look at me, ain’t I’m cool? I know how to brush my teeth alone. *wink!
Gessa Marie C
Mommy Gee, caption for the shutterbug photo lang 🙂
Hello Mommee Gee, kindly comment again your caption 🙂 as per JnJ advise, only comments/captions from Oct 8- 21 are valid. Thanks so much!
Oh my gosh, she is soooo adorable! 🙂 I miss having a little girl, but I don’t want more kids.. LOL.. 😀
I can’t get over how cute Sati is, and her name is so awesome! 🙂 I loves! 😀
I’m still thinking of a caption for the photo, I will get back to you when I think of something.. 🙂
Sati is sooo awesomely gorgeous! 🙂
ang cute talaga….
name: Crystal Lagman
email: crystalcruz1986@yahoo.com
Mommy I’m The next Shamcey Supsup.
Aaaay, just when I’m about to write for my little Gwen, naiiyak na ako. And seeing your post about Sati, haaay…
Photo Caption:
“This photo is for my blog, Mommy!”
Big hobby for a little princess…
She’s so cute & adorable! I suddenly remember my little girl too. She’s 28 months old now. Time really flies so fast!
Btw, here’s my caption:
Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee, It’s A Photographer’s Life For Me
Elinor Semira
I’m joining…
My little world through my eyes!
Cute baby… in front and behind the cam!
“As easy as 1-2-3, PICTURE THIS! Sofia Ananta wants you to say, ‘Cheese!!!'”
Maria Franco
She is sure a jewel of the family.. ang cute cute ni Sati.. lalo na yung naka two-piece sya!
Caption: Mommy, I’m your mini-me!
Email: tinacorsame at yahoo dot com
Sati is growing up into one super adorable baby! At xempre puma-fas-yon! Kanino pa ba magmamana yan?! heheh
Here’s my caption for your photo.
I am a clicker-happy baby, just like my Mommy!
Hi, Mommy. Here’s my caption entry:
Here’s my shot at stardom!
My caption:
Title: No Cure for the Camera Bug Bite
Text: Sati was bitten by the camera bug at a very tender age. Despite all warnings and cures, nothing could satiate the curiosity the bite started. Now, Sati can’t wait to fully explore the inside and the backside of a DLSR cam. It’s probably more satisfying than just being in front of it!
funny, i was just mulling over the other day kung ano ang real name ni Sati, haha! Addict lang 😀
She is just sooooo adorable, your little one is oozing with charm mommy Peh, i can see a long line of broken-hearted boys lining up your door…
Will be back with my caption 😛
nice post marce! sati has grown right before our eyes! 🙂 you are blessed to have her marce!
Super bilib talaga ako sa iyo paano mo kaya 4 kids! Kids really do grow up so fast. She looks cute with that gigantic cam! 😀
She is indeed growing up fast!! I bet Bella and Sati will get along this November. 🙂
Here’s my caption entry:
Camera Happy si Sati Baby!
“When I Grow Up, I Wanna be a Photo-Journalist!”
Ang laki na ni Sati 🙂
Re-posting entry, Oct. 10.
Photocaption for Sati:
“When I Grow Up, I Wanna be a Photo-Journalist!”
“Ha-ha! Can’t wait till Mommy sees what I took of her!”
Sis yung link sa FB ng Johnson’s iba pa so I had to look it up to find the page.
Adorable Sati! You are truly blessed! I was there during her fist birthday and look at her now, looks like she’s now ready to join you in blog world, “the queen and the princess.”
“Oh mom, wait, I’ll just have to change some settings in your camera for outdoor photography.”
pretty princess..
photo caption- I’ll be a famous photographer
Dorry Lyn
ang cute!!! Sati’s growing up so fast.
My caption for the last photo is:
“Show me your best smile Mommy, Say Cheese”!!!
ang cute ahihih!!!
Caption: Momy and Me at Shutterworld!!
Ning Buning
forgptning (at)gmail (dot) com
My caption: Watch out World! I’m the Youngest Photoblogger Ever!
cute cute baby!
Caption: “Hmmm… where can I find the macro settings?”
I finally learn Sati’s real name:D ang galing, and very unique:)
sasali ba ako sa contest? SYEMPRE>. my caption will be:
“My kid’s growing up so fast, she’s taken over me and took my job.”
tama ba English ko? LOL
so cute…little shutter bug na pala ang little girl mo…that was really a nice capture….
Wow! She’s bigger na! I’m excited to see her soon. My caption: A Photog in the Making! 😀
Every inch a princess! I love J&J for the kids too, they always get soft skin…super moisturized…
Caption: “Who says small me can’t tinker a big cammy like you, huh?”
she is really a darling and very adorable. She will be the next fashionista photographer
oh gawd!!! so cutie SATI!!! parang kelan nga lang hihihihih 🙂 laki n nya and susme modelo na!! 🙂
thank you so much for joining the contest! may i ask you to remind your readers that only comments entered from oct. 8 to oct. 21 will be considered valid for the reader giveaway. maybe they could repost their comments again on oct. 8?
thanks so much for your time and good luck!
Such a cutie and a shutterbug like her mommy.
She’s Asia’s Next Top Photographer 8)
indeed they’re growing so fast … hahah..love the pose on the wall.. ang paa parang pro.. hahah. 🙂 thanks Peh for the comment 🙂
the way she looks at the camera, she seems so interested. maybe she wanted to grow up just like you mommy Peh 🙂
my caption:
Kiddie Girl Paparazzi at Work!
Ang cute! Wish ko lang matuto na rin mag-toothbrush mag-isa ang toddlers ko, hay. Looks like she has really observed how you use your camera, smart kid talaga. As for the caption, how about:
“DSLR – Darling Sati’s Little Recreation”
mukha po kasing magiging hobby na nya yan eh 🙂
I hope kasama mo sya sa EB so I can meet her na…
Caption: “Mom, it’s time for you to pose!”
parang di pumasok yung first comment ko so here goes again…
Caption: “Mom, it’s time for you to pose”
Caption: You Oughta Be in Picture -Strike A Pose!
Michelle Ame
My caption for the last photo is:
“Show me your best smile Mommy, Say Cheese”!!!
Oh mama look at me, ain’t I’m cool? I know how to brush my teeth alone. *wink!
Gessa Marie C
im may not yet mature mommy but i can be a young amateur photographer! 🙂
Gessa Marie C
“One, two. three….say SATIIIIIII!!!”
Commenting again. 🙂
Here’s my caption entry:
Camera Happy si Sati Baby!
She’s so cute & adorable! I suddenly remember my little girl too. She’s 28 months old now. Time really flies so fast!
Btw, here’s my caption:
Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee, It’s A Photographer’s Life For Me
Elinor Semira
Caption:Sofia Ananta ,Oh no Hollywood here i come!
Ruby Papio
hmmm may bago akong naisip na caption Peh, pero malapit lang din sa comment ko sa taas. heto oh:
“My kid’s growing up so fast, she took my job right in front of me”.
“Oh mom, wait, I’ll just have to change some settings in your camera for outdoor photography.”
I’m joining…
The world through my little eyes!
I love photos of kids holding cameras…here’s my caption for the photo:
Watch out World! I’m the Youngest Photoblogger Ever!
Cute baby… in front and behind the cam!
“As easy as 1-2-3, PICTURE THIS! Sofia Ananta wants you to say, ‘Cheese!!!’”
Maria Franco
Asia’s Next Top Photographer!
8) Good luck Sofia!
A click from the little hand of a princess…
I have finally come up with a good photo caption! 😀
Photo Caption:
“Move over Annie Leibovitz, I will be the next Top Female Photographer in the World!”
Ane Fallarme
caption: Picture Perfect
Caption: “A baby is God’s Opinion that the World Should Go On”
Caption: “A Baby is Sunshine and Moonbeams and more Brightening Your World as Never Before”
Baby Girl Today. Geek Chick Tomorrow.
Name = Marilou Lim
email = berryblitz79(at)gmail(dot)com
“Here’s the click…no more trick.”
Kristine Magpantay
Here’s mine: http://www.kreztin.info/johnsons-my-kids-growing-up-so-fast-contest/
caption : At the count of three I will click the shutter ; so get ready Mommy strike a pose! 🙂
Analyn Alonsagay
The clicker-happy baby fashionista
frances.nicole at ymail dot com
Hello Mommy! Thanks so much for joining! Tomorrow’s the last day to comment. Please remind your readers to comment on your entry if they haven’t commented yet. Only comments entered from Oct. 8 to Oct. 21 will be considered valid for the reader giveaway.
“I’ll be a good photographer just like my Mom with her clicking moves.”
Annissa Diaz
“this one’s for sati.com – say cheese!”
Vix Parungao