A lot of people who knew my email address asked me if I do love cats.. yeas part of my email address is the word cats.. and I never really like cats..well except for Hello Kitty (my little girl’s favorite) and Grafiled, which is very fun to watch. Wehn I saw the graphics below from http://www.onlineeducation.org/LOLcats, the information about the History of LolCats on the Internet is really cool and nice to read at
What LOLcats? It’s the first time I’ve heard of it. I too don’t like cats. I’m a dog lover.
I like cats better than dogs because they are easier to train, just leave a sandbox anywhere and they’d find it to do their business, with dogs, you have to teach them to do it.. Cats just know.. Fascinating info about LOLCats..
we have a cat in the house and you won’t believe every three months she got pregnant,just right after giving birth to her 3 or 5 kittens (which we always gave to somebody or pay some kids to bring them to a far place ,maybe if we don’t do that our house will be full of cats)
Lolcats are cute and funny, while actual cats are, in my opinion, difficult to handle.