The kids having their time designing their respective doughnut.. Sati wonders why she does not have her own doughnut hahaha
After the kids finisheed their doughnut, they made cute little Mario Brothers mushroom from clay. I did not had the chance to take photos because we’re all busy helping the kids.. but it was fun.
Then we had a sumptous meal which the kids enjoyed too. and while we were waiting for the clay to hardened.. we had a chance for some photo ops with the moms and the kids.
The Filipina Bloggers United Junior edition.. hahaha
The kids together with teacher who helped them create their mushrooms..
And of course the lovely Blogger moms 🙂
We also had fun touring the One Serendra model units and learning about the amenities of the place.
uy, looks like a lot of fun! 😀 we were there the previous week…
naipalabas nila ang creativity skill ng mga bata :). Thumbs up One Serendra
I wanna go back to my childhood..This is fun 🙂
FBU Junior Edition! 😀 Love it! 😀
I want my Lucas to meet your Sati.. 😀 hehehe 😀