Palm oil is an ingredient in most infant formula and milk. This is used for the purpose of blending fats to match the fatty acid found in human milk. recent studies though showed that Palm Oil can actually decrease calcium absorption. I have learned that from Grow’s Press Launch last May 26.
During the press launch, Gladys Reyes was introduced as Grow’s newest endorser together with her kids. Her manager Lolit Solis was also present during the launch. It was a very informative launch specially to us moms. We learned about the importance of early programming. This is about what you give to your kids during the early life can affect their health in the future. Think of it as simple as delaying the introduction of sweets and chocolates.
We also learned the importance of calcium throughout childhood. Being a mom of four, I am very keen on the calcium intake of my kids. I even start feeding them Malungay Rice to add more calcium to their diet. And it’s shocking to know how Palm Oil can make a big difference on the calcium absorption. Honestly, I thought all milks are the same, that all of them has calcium and the only difference is the taste and the price. Learning about Palm Oil and calcium absorption is an eye opener for me.
Grow from Abbott does not use Palm Oil. Grow contains 24 vitamins and nutrients, DHA, Taurine and Prebiotics that support optimal growth and strong bones. And not only that, Grow tastes really well and I can attest to that. During the launch, we were asked to taste two different milk brads and choose what we like the most. The first one I tried was too sweet for my taste, and being a believer of Early Programming, I just knew this is not the right milk for the kids to take. The second one was creamy and tasty which turns out to be Grow.
That’s me and Mommy Fedhz taking the taste test. As I have mentioned, Gladys Reyes manager was there and even shared a table with us mommy bloggers.
and of course I wouldn’t this pass to have a photo opss with Manay Lolit
The Mommy Bloggers with Miss Gladys Reyes.
I really like how Gladys talked about motherhood and how she is a Bida and Kontrabida to her kids, motherhood is all about balance. She mentioned that even before she was asked to endorse Grow, she was already using it for her kids.
We got to take home some Grow samples and told my three year old that it would be his milk for now. He has a fixation over his milk he has been drinking since he is one.. and now he is three we need to look for a new one. It really helps that the packaging of Grow is kid friendly. I told him his new milk would be the Giraffe milk (ehehehe). At first he was reluctant but eventually he liked it. The creamy taste is a good thing. I still have to observe how Grow will affect Chico’s weight and height.
So if you have a 3 year old kid, you might want to try Grow and see how your kids can GROW without Palm Oil.
Thanks for sharing! It's too early for my 3-month old baby but when he gets one or three I'll choose GROW for him
My youngest is already four. And he's starting to lessen his milk intake. So, I'm a bit worried about not having enough calcium for his growing needs. As I have seen in the picture, Grow also have a chocolate flavor, I think I'll try it for my child.
im planning to switch on abbott products b4 kc similac baby ko then promil pero ngayon bonamil na lang kc mas i found out n yung grow may DHA which is gud 4 brain development..nakikita ko smart ang baby ko pro cguro i need to support and invest in this kind of product..sana hiyang cia nxt month try ko ang grow..thanks
It is a costly proposition but it is a very pleasant experience which one
can afford very easily. The ceremony is held among the Latino societies all over the world and
has just recently come about among the families that live in the United States.
The logical conclusion to she, and Kristin Stinar, was that she was either going to be robbed, or killed, or kidnapped.