Can you guess who will get this eco bag?
That would be the 34th ecobag in my collection. The first one was Sati Bag, the second one was PMC bag, the third was JB bag. Hmmmm maybe I should start making a separate category for the ecobags, what do you think?
I still have a lot eco bag ideas in mind, like a big one intended for sale shopping or small one intended for small items such as cell batteries. I still don’t have the budget to pursue it. Honestly, I though making eco bags is hard but when you get used to it, it’s as easy as saying no to plastic bags.
Right now, I have 5 bags with my modista, 5 different bags for my five boys (Kayil, Mico, Chico, Kieth and Dylan). Since we already have Sati bag, might as well make a bag for each of the boys.
The best mom eco bag goes to…. my secret mommy, who will no longer be a secret on Tuesday. The Pinay Mommy Community started out a mother’s day project a few months ago. We were tasked to make our fellow PMC member happy on Mother’s Day. My secret mom (the one assigned to me) must be very sad for not receiving her card yet.. but I hope Tuesday will be another great day for her 🙂 Wish me luck in making her happy!
I am super sure that whoever got this bag is super happy! 🙂 I know I would be if I got a personalized something from someone.. 🙂
This is a good business venture, maybe you can supply SM with better eco bags since the ones they have now are crappy.. 😛