I have been contemplating over the past few months if I should transfer this blog on WordPress. The reason why I should not to? none. All technical aspect will be taken care of my dear friend Sam. From the permalinks to the Google Friends Connect widget being carried out to the new home. The Pagerank and Alexa won’t be a problem too. Of course, the template will be take care by none other than, Wahmaholic herself (finally!). So why not transfer now? or soon? err.. must be for sentimental reasons. This is my first domain blog here in Blogger, feels like my first home.
Moving.. just like in real life, is so hard to do. There are things you need to take care.. boxes to be filled and clutter to throw.. And then unpacking.. haays.. maybe next week.. I will have enough courage to finally do it.
Kudos to you for finally making the big move.. 🙂
I salute you for braving the sea of change. d(^_^d)