Posted: 26 Jan 2011 10:23 PM PST
You know I am not the type of woman who is into bags and shoes. That’s the reason why I created a fashion blog. It is my way of discovering what’s with designer bags and high heeled shoes. I thinks it is about time since I have a baby girl now, that is soon to be a lady.
Anyways, a lot of people who has no means resort to buying cheap purses and handbags. These are bags and purses that made of the same materials as the original bags or purses. These are often called replica bags. No, this are not authentic but these bags are high quality and as mentioned above, made into the same material as the original bags.
What designers bags are being sold in this kind of stores? You can find Marc Jacobs discount handbags. Most shoppers knew that Marc Jacobs is one of the most popular when it comes to bags. In fact he is the creative director for Louis Vuitton. For shoppers who are looking for cheap Coach bags, try checking out coach replica. You will be surprised how the replicas look exactly like the original.

Take for example the photo above. That’s a Coach New 2010 Butterfly Poppy Glam Shopper Bag Tote. It does look like the original bag, doesn’t it?
i am afraid to buy replicas especially bags, i fear of news being hold in airports because of carrying a class AAA LV or Coach 🙁