Today until Sunday, get ready to experience the Grand Company Fair. We have heard of gadget fair, food fair and the likes, now it’s time our babies shine. Last night, I was able to take a glimpse of what’s in store for our babies (there were some for mommies too!) at Grand Baby Company Fair.
I brought Sati along, and we’re really glad that Avent provided a breastfeeding station. And not only that, we also recieved some gift packs from Avent, for using their station (that is really cool, thanks much Avent!)
Our favorite vitamin C provider was there too. And they give free photo session for moms and kids. Got to know what’s the difference of the orange Ceelin and the red Ceelin (more on that later).
CordLife, the Philippines’ first cord blood processing and cryopreservation facility.
Graco, one of the best name when it comes to stroller and car seats.
Other than the above mentioned baby products, our Mommies, specially excepting moms, will find everything they need here:
design your baby’s room with furniture and cribs
educational toys for the babies..
even helpful tips for mothers 🙂
all these you can get for as much as 70% OFF
and oh if you got thirsty from shopping, Wilkins will keep you hydrated..
you made a wrong date. it’s not jan.28,29,30 it’s jan.27,28,29 because jan.27 is sat.pls check the errors pls ty!
Robert that was last year 🙂