The design process was really simple, I want something that is personalized to Sati, useful and at the same unique to other eco bags there is in the market or in the giveaways departments. The front of the bag was her name on it. That was the hardest part (and the most expensive part) of the bag. The back part, I put a pocket, that separates her from the usual eco bag. A pocket intended for receipts. As a regular user of reusable bags, I noticed that most reusable bags has no pocket on it. So I made one that has one. And to make the pocket more useful, that’s where I put the Thank You note for coming to her party. My sister asked my why I put November 2010 instead of the date of the celebration. The answer is simple, her real birthday is Noveber 8 and we celebrated it on November 6. I wouldn’t want to put the wrong day of her birthday.
The Sati Ecobag
It was during one of our usual chat when the idea came to me. Niko and I were talking about Sati’s birthday. It was about loot bags and giveaways and birthday party giveaway idea. Of course, we were also talking about clinicallix, diet and food. She mentioned about birthday party souvenirs and I said never liked giveaways that are for display only. You know what I mean, those little items that says thank you for coming.. maybe for some it’s a very nice giveaway, to me it’s not that much. I usually let it pass. You see, with four kids, I just can’t have a rack or a shelf of tiny giveaways, they would always end up in the floor, in multiple pieces. So I realized, I would give something that would be very useful to her guests. And since I have been advocating the use of eco bags, I realized that it would be the perfect birthday party giveaway.
Very creative! and very unique! ๐
I know what you mean about little thank you souvenirs that just end up on the floor into a million pieces, happens in our home a lot too and I only have 2 kids! ๐