Your life as a mother can be very stressful during the holiday season. One minute you’re looking up insurance information and the next thing you know, you are planning to entertain family and make all of your children’s holiday dreams come true. The task can be quite daunting. It’s enough to make anyone a little bit crazy, but that doesn’t mean you have to worry about breaking the bank to make the holidays special. You can do a lot on a little and for a working mother, that’s very important.
When focusing your attention on the holidays, think about the spirit of the season instead of the madness. For kids, the holidays are all about having a special feeling. It’s not about what presents they get. Sure, they will focus on that for a time, but that doesn’t mean they’ll only remember the presents when they become adults. Chances are they won’t be able to tell you much about what you gave them, but they will remember the experience of the holidays and how it made them feel.
Take them out to see the decorations and visit with people who are in the giving spirit. It’s a great chance for them to see the magic and wonder of the holidays with you and the rest of your family.
Let them visit with family because that will create many Christmas memories. Don’t waste a second thinking about what a hassle it will be to get to the grandparents’ house. Just take them there. It will be a wonderful experience for the entire family.
When you finally get to the presents, don’t worry much about those. Kids value quantity over quality in most cases, so whatever you get, make sure to wrap it all separately. That will help the child focus on the number of presents. Make the holidays about the moments and not about the money.
What’s great about kids is that they are easy to please. Give them a simple toy happy na sila.