And here is the new toy I am talking about. I think it is about time that I indulge in something more than Mega blocks or Sati’s clothes. I plan on buying a Flip camcorder for myself but I put it off for this. That is Sony W350 in black. Not in pink as I am not a pink girl (if not for my ovaries, you wouldn’t even know I’m a girl LOL). If you are as frugal as I am, you can find the same camera on circuit cityfor less than $170 (that includes shipping). You can even buy a w310 for only $120 (waah I wanna buy one for my mom!)Anyways, because of this, I am now having an addiction to camera. I have a DSLR. I have a point and shoot. What else? Toy Cameras!
I am the only blogger who does not own a camera.. 😛 hahaha
I really should invest on one, because my iPhone can’t take good photos in minimal lighting and I don’t know how to use my hubby’s complex DSLR, plus it’s freakin heavy. 😛
Love your new toy!
i want one too, i am eyeing a T-series kaya lang wala pang budget, sigh!