I had a very tiring weekends. I attended two events last Saturday and the helpers took a day off yesterday. Apart from that, I had a hard time looking for best hemorrhoid treatment that will give the most effective result. I have been asked to look for one for my mom’s friend. Saturday morning, we attended the J&J Bedtime Discoveries Nursery 101: Creating a Sleep Environment at Cafe Sweet Inspirations in Katipunan (I bough Sati and Chico with me). It was a small talk type (unlike the one I attended last January) but it was nice and more engaging. Later that day, we attended the parentin.tv event (Mom and Me Cookfest) at Eastwood Mall (my first time). It was fun specially for the two boys (the older boys). And I also had fun because I got a free slice of sylvanas for being one of the early birds. That treat is one of my favorite.
I will post the pics and detailed events later. I still need to catch up on my sleep.
ang busy mo nga marce. take care ha.. para naman di ka ma burn out. hugs!
i know it’s not an easy job after all to be a stay-at-home mom like you who blogs, who make artsy stuffs-you rock!