One of the reason why I enjoyed Bedtime Stories last Saturday was meeting Nuts/ Nora and Joy.
Nuts/ Nora, we have known each other for a time now, although I don’t visit her blog that much, she is one of the few that I consider my big sister in the blogniverse. I was really glad that I finally met her. It’s about time ate 🙂
Joy is my lost sister, er, not biologically, but that’s how I feel about her. We just clicked. I first met her in the Bisolvon event and since then, we have been chatting (if our breastfed babies would allow) in IM. I promised to bring her to any J&J event and good thing last Saturday she was available. Actually, we met at ParentinTV event last May 22, but was really busy then and we have our kids to attend to so we were not able to chitchat. And Saturday, we’re both free (ahaha). gawd. Joy is really my sister (but she’s the ate ha)… we just so alike in so many ways.
I'm ohhh so happy meeting you…maybe we are really sisters in our past lives….i feel the connection!