Sorry guys I was not around. Sorry specially to Marce Niko, for sure my absence stressed her out today. You see, my day started out right. I woke up early and started doing the laundry. In less than three hours I am done. It was still early and what comes next was unbelievable. While I was browsing some stuff in our bedroom, I noticed a lot of hair on my bed. My hair is starting to fall again. I think I will need a hair loss treatment for women product soon. So, the next logical thing to do is to clean the bedroom. But if you know me, cleaning is not just sweeping. Cleaning means, scrubbing the wall and floor.
So that’s the end of it? Ah no, after I am done (with the help of my younger helper) cleaning (scrubbing the wall and the floor and taking out all the screen in the window), I noticed their bedroom and the boxes that almost reached the ceiling. So yes, I also rearrange that. Good thing that while I was to get a glass of water, I sneaked and check my email and saw Niko’s email, that prompt me to stop cleaning and start blogging. You’re in again for article flood.
malapit na maend ang contest, i could do general cleaning na sa weekend!
article flood talaga marce once you started blogging…
it's natural to have hair falling after3-4 months after delivery di ba marce…
experts say there are a variety of natural treatments that can yield important benefits for anyone concerned about the health of their hair
ultimate bad hair day for me when i noticed lots of hair strands following a shampoo or even a vigorous brushing…
important to healthy hair growth are foods containing vitamin B12 — including eggs, meat, and poultry… i always had these in my meal…
i try natural treatment muna before the commercial products
I also hair fall alot that my dear sound me
yeah you not alone with hair fall
maybe is the shampoo not suit you.
funny at night I like pull my hair
I no more use the head n shoulder as make my hair oily
@gene its like bad hair day!
@gene you are good with natural treatment!
yeah healthy meal is important
I not only loss hair but also I have back acne at the back of my body
you don't have washing machine?
here so many shop selling second hand one
also have second hand fridge, air conditional
from now on I need change it once a week
how often you change your pillow case
I just clean the toilet but not yet change pillow case
yeah maybe you are very hot so your hair fall.
akala ko comment flood lang ang uso ngayon, pati pala article
ay talagang may article flood ha.