Not all of us love to gamble, not all of us want to take risk. Not all of us can tolerate the heartaches of failing. I always believe that life is just like playing casino online. Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win, what matters most is how you play it. Last 2009, my life has been really meaningful and unlike last 2008 when I always have to show a poker face, I am more transparent last 2009. Maybe because I finally let go of people who always treat us bad. Last year, I no longer have to put up a face for them. Lucky me!
I love taking risk and I am never afraid to fail. My siblings tells me that I love stressing myself that much. Actually, I really like the feeling when you are in an online casino. You know that feeling that you can feel the excitement and you are not there. That’s how I feel most of the times. Whenever there is an idea in my mind, I feel like it is slowly unfolding right before my eyes.
How about you guys? do you like taking some risk or do you always play safe? Sometimes you have to play hard to get what you want, agree?
very intersting ang topic mo, sa lending buss. ko malaki ang pagsusugal na ginagawa ko, kaya dapat mag ingat ako mabuti, try visit my post about lending
agree!!!! i made my biggest gamble when i married yobib.. hurting my mom over marrying him. bigat. but look at us now 😀 ayun shooot hahahaahsino nmn ang binibigyan mo ng poker face?? loka neto!
i have the tendency of playing safe…it seems i don't want to hurt be hurt but there are time i need to stand what is right even sometimes giving up/sacrifing a relationship….
when it comes to gambling, or casino, or anything na swertehan lang no no tayo dyan. di talaga ako swerte dyan. hahaha
pero when it comes to life, I love taking risk. siguro 80 % ng decisions ko eh based dyan.
I am prepared and ready to take a leap of faith after I balance the pros and cons.