While the kids are sleeping, their body can produce up to 3x growth hormones, but is always dependent on how peaceful and the amount of time the baby is asleep.
When a baby entered deep sleep stage, the highest amount of growth hormones are released. So if your has a better and deeper sleep, the MORE growth hormones are released! And what you must know, growth hormones are at its best production stage during the early life. The best gift you can give to your baby is to maximize the release of growth hormones on her body and that is by providing her a better and deeper sleep.
So how much sleep does the kid needs?
Although every kid has different needs, below are some guidelines on how much sleep a kid need:
If your kid’s sleep stat is close to the above stats, rest assured as your baby is getting enough sleep, but if not, you certainly need to help your kids attain a good night sleep. So what can we do?
First let us define what is a GOOD NIGHT SLEEP. so I would like to share with you The ABC of Better Baby Sleep.
A regular bedtime routine
Be in bed before 9PM
Children should fall to sleep on their own.
It is very interesting to note how a bedtime routine can reduce the length of time needed to fall sleep. It can also reduced the times the baby awakes at night and even so the time needed to make the baby sleep again. The best part about it is baby’s sleep time increased and Mom’s anxiety and tension reduced to more than 50%!
And yes, the routine, the solution to our bedroom battle.. It is so easy and so fun to do.. for sure you will love this routine and will look forward to it everyday… and your kids will have the benefit of growing bigger and growing closer to your.
Johnson’s Baby Bedtime Routine has 3 steps.
Using JOHNSON´S® Baby Bedtime Bath, set the mood by giving the baby a warm bath. I this routine will be established, it will indicate or it will be a sign that it is already their bedtime. A warm bath can relax their body and you too can enjoy this by being a bit playful to your kid. If you are not sure how warm the water should be, try testing the water using your elbow. If it is too hot for your elbow, then it is too hot for the kids.
Click here for a full details on How To Bathe Your Baby
JOHNSON´S® Baby Bedtime Baby Lotion is your partner on this step. This is my favorite step because it gives us more bonding time. The kids love it when I massage them and I think it also gives them assurance that their mommy love them so much.
You can also use JOHNSON´S® Baby Oil for this step.
CLICK HERE for a complete instruction on how to make your massage time, a happy time.
So after massaging your baby, you can put JOHNSON´S® Baby Powder before sharing a quiet moment. After that, you can read them stories or sing a soft music to them. Me and my kids love to cuddle and as they fall asleep.
Now tell us or suggest us some simple ways or other ways to help kids and babies sleep better. Just comment your answer to the comment section and you will have the chance to win 500 worth of JOHNSON´S® Baby Bedtime products. Don’t forget to sign up this FORM so we’ll know where to ship your prize.
This is open to all my readers (as long as you have a shipping address here in the Philippines) who don’t have a blog.. for my dear followers who do have a blog.. there’s another contest for you guys!!!!
sing a lullaby while applying J& J baby bedtime lotion!
Prayers should always be a part of the bed time routine. If your child can already speak or utter few words, instill in him/her the value of regularly speaking to Jesus. It will not just give a baby a good night sleep but can even help them boost their spirituality while they are young.If your baby is too young to speak, whisper a prayer in their while they are about to sleep. You can do these things simultaneously with applying J&J lotion as well. 😉
Everynight I always prepare my 5 y/ o son Luis to sleep and we start by taking a bath … Brushing his teeth, and after that I will put j and Johnson lotion all over his bodyand then , reading time… Praying time , hugging time till he falls asleep.
I started including a bath with Johnson's baby Bedtime Bath in our routine. She seems to have longer naps in the afternoon. When the weather permits, I bathe her again before bed time and she sleeps 10-11 hours.My routine includes a bath with Johnson's Baby Bedtime Bath then as we wait for sleep, we make up stories in bed which always ends up with her being a princess who helped others or animals. She loves it!~~ Kat ~~My Tots Exactly!My Tummy CallsMy Game of ChanceFrom a SAHMmy to a WAHMmy
I sing Elijah different lullabies while massaging his back to put him into sleep. It's very cold here that's why he loves it when I massage his back.
Marce, pwedeng dito na lang mag-share hehe. Di ko like sa FB ngayon eh. :)Anyways, I notice that even when my kids are older now and taller than me they still want to put J&J powder on their body before going to sleep. It made them comfortable and fall asleep easily. Even I use baby powder to freshen up during the hot days.
Giving them a massage and turning off the lights is what we do for my three littlem boys.
After giving my toddler a bath, he always asks me if I could put on some lotion to his body and after rubbing his back, he's already asleep in my lap. 🙂 Until now I do sing him a lullaby…(dito nalang muna kaya ako sasali, okay lang ba Peh?)
I give my son a massage using J& J baby bedtime lotion before he sleep and whispering I love you into his ears are my daily routine..
I always make sure to give my daughter a lukewarm bath before going to sleep, My daughter is very "maiinitin". In bed we sing her favorite songs together, when she stops singing it means that she's tired and ready to sleep, it's a cue for me to scratch her head and to hum instead of singing
Listening to classical music as a part of you and your baby's bedtime routine. Before my baby anika was born, I was already into Brahms, Beethoven and Mozart. I believe that this kind of music stimulates brain development as well as tighten the bond between parents and their precious little one. It also ensure good bedtime and sound sleep to promote healthier and smarter babies. Now, my daughter never fails to get a good night sleep with mommy's gentle touch (thanks to J&J bedtime products) and soothing music.carla_guillermo@yahoo.com
As mothers, we are responsible in the development of our babies stable sleeping cycle. We can teach the baby to distinguish between being awake and being asleep. If the baby is awake, we remove him/her in the bed, hold her and play with her. Through this, the baby will learn to associate her bed only with sleep and will get into the habit of falling asleep as soon as he/she is in bed.
I always make sure before she go to be bed that we clean up her body, that daily routine refreshes her up from all day playing, and making her ready for our night bonding time,kissing her armpit that makes her giggle and asking for more, telling her fairytale stories, saying I love you to each other, and when she ask me she wants milk I knew that's the time I am going to sing our song, "Tulog na baby kong mahal"..just repeating it again and again, just humming it to the tune the two of us only knew, until she fell asleep. These are the moments that I will surely miss when she grew up and have a family of her own, our bedtime bonding moment.
Putting the kids on jammies and listening to a soft music such as lullabyes may do the trick. When heavy eyes start showing, a gentle pat at the legs or a soothing touch at the head helps a kid get his sleep. And of course, don't forget to make sure that the bed is clean and the room is comfortable for you and the kid/s.
before going to bed i make sure that my daughter is clean so that she'll sleep comfortably. we use j&j bedtime soap to freshen her up. then before going to sleep i massage her back with j&j powder while tickling and kissing her. she also loves to look at her photo album every night. when she's tired that's the time we'll put her to bed and her daddy will sing praise songs until she falls asleep.
After the bath with J&J bedtime wash, I massage her with the bedtime lotion with long, firm, but slow strokes. The strokes go downward in order for her to relax and slow down. Rubbing her too briskly will just rejuvenate her. 😀
A massage with a sweet and soft conversation with my little boy make wonders. Not only he sleeps well, but by morning he is full of positive energy and he is happy and excited to start a brand new day, which makes me happy too. 😀
Bonding time is very important to me..After washing before going to bed using J&J bedtime wash, I massage FAith with the bedtime lotion with soft strokes and after that, we play tickling.mommy sahny
I put Johnson's baby powder on Sabrina's body and we hug each other to sleep. Hugging and smelling my baby puts me to sleep too.Pearl Angeli de Luna
kids are so active! they love to run around and play and play and play! yet, at the end of the day, they feel so restless.and one way to keep them away from mr. nightmare is to have a peaceful sleep. after a bathroom journey with spongebob, it is now time to sing lullabies to them. with this, their peaceful journey in their dreams begin to start, while a tireless day starts to close. so for the kids, they better close their eyes, and begin their journey in their sleep. 🙂
.."family hour" is my family routine, where we share,discuss the activities,problems…everything happened that day..we really enjoyed listening, telling stories to each other and its always a jolly conversation.. before we go to bed we thank God for keeping us safe,for all the blessings and ask for love and guidance everyday through a prayer.
Our bedtime routine is simple: Shower, Powder, Lullabye, and Gugu. (Gugu actually is our local dialect for scratch). My kids love having their backs scratched, rubbed, and massaged after their powder and a surefire way to get them to fall asleep is also by running fingers through their hair. Their eyes get droopy when you start to do that and pretty soon they'd be asleep.
show your baby that you love them by giving them all the best in the world, so give them johnsons product only co'z its the best in the world.
Our bedtime routine starts with a warm bath. Then a glass of warm milk, brushing of teeth. Then a bedtime story. A prayer to thank God for the blessings. A sweet Kiss and Hug from Mom and Dad. And a goodnight sleep 🙂
It helps to use baby bath formulas with soothing scents such as jasmine, lavender and chamomile for bedtime warm baths. You can also rub him down with some lavender scented lotion. The warm water relaxes the muscles while aromatherapy calms and soothes their bodies, and helps put them to sleep.
After a warm bath,we go to bed together, i will sing him his favorite songs while gently tapping and massaging his back.My baby von sleeps much longer if i stay beside him..(i dont know how he notice if i leave him!lols) tha's why sometime's if i have thing's to do,i will put my own pillow beside him so that he would'nt feel alone in the room..
Almost same routine because we are all responsible moms in our own special ways, during bed time, it's important to bond with our babies by taking a shower with them, then we can also cuddle them before going to bed for them to have a goodnight sleep as, finally, we pray…
peh,here's mine:http://naughtyfied.blogspot.com/2010/08/j-bedtime-entry.html
Hi Pehpot!Our bedtime routine is simply to have milk time and set a "lights out" time by 9pm to prepare the kids for bedtime and condition them to relax and get ready for bed. Setting a regular routing and schedule is very helpful for the kids and parents as well 🙂
even though kids should fall asleep on their own, i still make it a point to lay beside her while she is falling asleep because i know it makes her feel secure to have one or both of us beside her while she's trying to sleep. my kid sleeps longer and better that way, knowing that she is safe and secure.
MASSAGE and a short CHIT-CHATI give them a massage with Johnson&Johnson Lavender Bedtime Lotion for about 15 minutes. A drop of lotion with our calm hands in their soft skin will make us happy to make this activity a part of every evening. While having a massage we chat also about the story we read and what they learn.A massage is a relaxing technique that calms, soothes and relaxes our baby/kids. It is also a wonderful bonding method and is very much enjoyed by both parents and baby.
i've been using johnsons bedtime for my baby kasi sumasarap ang sleep ni baby kapag un ang gamit nia.. =)
PAgtapos na ang Agua bendita, thats the sign that my kids should have their warm bath of Johnsons and johnsons. So off to the bathroom we go, have a warm bath. Change to pajamas, massage and powder time. I see to it that i lay beside them so they sleep faster or read them books or play kilitian until they doze off to sleep. That's our usual routine. my eldest is now 4 yrs old and she usually reminds me this routine every night. thanks,Levy Jane Baldovino (already included my details in your form)
very effective talaga ung advice ng j&j! un ung ginagawa ko kay baby khyrie, my 4 months old baby. in additional to this, i find a way to feel what she wants. connection between 'mother and daughter' definitely works. when we're on the bed na, i make her feel the overflowing love and warmth that i have for her. i talk to her, and tell her how much i love her. this gives her the feeling of comfort and relaxation, plus i gently rub her back until na antokin na sya, then finally fall asleep..
I am a mother to 5 boys. Since my eldest and up to my youngest baby, who is 6 months old now – I only use Johnson and Johnson products from head to toe. At night before putting them sleep, I would let them have a half bath with johnsons baby bedtime bath. Massage their backs with johnsons baby oil and put johnsons baby powder all over their body. My older kids would play until they get tired but the youngest one needs some massaging and singing and he will be sleeping in no time. Roselyn Velasco
I have a four years old daughter Kathy that seems so much like a lady. She acts very maturely most especially at night time. She is used to taking a bath at night with johnsons baby milk bath but since the day my sister in law told me about the baby bedtime bath her night time bath became more enjoyable. She loves the scent. Its scent is the signal of a very peaceful sleep. April Lee Mondido
I gave birth to my baby alexia last june 23. since her birth and up to now I have been using Johnson and johnsons products, it’s a first choice since almost all the mothers I know uses them for their babies. My baby always sleeps soundly at night I know that its because of the little routine we do every night. Since she is still an infant – it’s a warm half bath and a warm massage with baby oil that’s always constant in our bed time routine. I sing to her before she goes to sleep. And its always a happy morning for the two of us. Jean Pacoma
Putting my son Sean to sleep every night isn’t a pain. Since he is so used to taking a half bath at night and to the routines we do since he was a baby. Everything is constant – from the johnsons baby products, the ritual of massaging her legs, back and arms, and bonding with him. Night time is our favorite bonding time.Donna Retanan
My eldest and unica hija is my greatest love. I shower her with all the best. With that I only trust Johnson and johnsons products. For her bedtime routine – it’s the usual half bath, massage time and playing time that we do. Gemma Flores
i use it on my hyperactive child.he makes him calm and relax,and the smell is really soothing.it really works it has even been a routine to me and my child. I even recommended it to my friends. johnson bedtime lotion made a huge change to me and my child's life