Music never likes me, I don’t have a talent in singing or playing musical instrument. Hubby on the other hand loves music to bits. As in! And the kids enjoy it as much as he do. It is not that I don’t like it. Actually I love listening to songs but not on a daily basis. I can live without it haha.
When it comes to my kids, I do want them to learn how to play musical instruments like piano. It would be good to hear them play a song (like the daughters of one of the marce club). When I was a kid, my mom wants us to learn how to play piano, I can’t remember why we didn’t got to enroll on a piano school. Ia m was fascinated with pianos then and how it produces music, but not that much now, thanks to Tom and Jerry LOL. Remember that show where in they were player pianos. It was a fun episode and it showed how piano can produce sound.
Maybe when Sati grew up, I will enroll her in a music school. And maybe this summer I will enroll the boys to learn how to play the guitar.