Last July, I got an invite from Richwell for their Holiday Trade Show 2011, no idea what it was but since I love most Richwell exported toys, I just said yes. Come August 17 and my day was packed. My initial plan of a quick visit turned into an afternoon of fun with Levy of Living Life to the Fullest and Karen from Richwell. It”s in WackWack Country Golf Club and just imagine the whole club house filled with Barbie, Hot Wheels, Cars, toys, toys and toys. This was actually their showcase of their Holiday toys collection, merchandisers are welcome so that they could choose the toys they will sell this coming Holiday. OK I have no idea how it goes, but for sure you don’t want details on that right? So let’s get on with the fun fun fun part.
Err, that’s just us having fun. OK so here is the real FUN for all of you..
This is the Barbie Collector for 2011, Barbie Basics in jeans (12 collections), Holiday Barbie 2011 and Barbie The Museum Collection featuring Vincent Van Gogh, Gustav Klimt and Leonardo da Vinci.

Cars 2, Hotwheels with its newest collection (right side photo), Bakugan perfect gifts for the boys.. and I will definitely buy the Hot Wheels wall track. Moon Dough (not your ordinary dough.. it is super soft!), Dora and Thomas and of course Mega Blocks! And look, Smurfs!
Items for the babies, Fisher-Price toys and Chicco feeding necessities.

That’s a Hot Wheels track that can be attached on the wall.. I really love Hot Wheels cars and we have more than a hundred of it and I wish I can buy as much race track as I can but we lack space.. the dilemma of where to put the tracks stopped me from buying race tracks.. but this track.. ohh it solves any space problem we have!