There are benefits in using plastic bottles as well as glass bottles; and there are also disadvantages to it. When it comes to convenience, plastic bottles are more convenient to use because there is no need to worry about breaking it. Plastic bottles are also light weight compared to glass bottles. However, for those who wish to hold the temperature of their drinks or beverage then glass bottles would definitely serve that purpose.
In terms of health and safety, glass bottles are healthier choices compared to plastic bottles. The plastic bottles contain chemical called bisphenol A (BPA); this can be dangerous when bottles are heated. It can eventually lead to more serious health concerns like behavioral issues. On the other hand, although glass bottles do not contain BPA the danger may happen when the glass breaks.
In the end, either plastic bottles or glass bottles can be used as long as it is done with extra caution just like with xbox wireless adapter (whatever part you use, you need to be very careful). When using plastic bottles, always check the label and look for “BPA Free” plastic bottles. When it comes to using glass bottles, remember that these things are fragile and should be handled with extra care.