A voluntary blood testing was performed among 369 randomly selected Metro Manila office workers and the results revealed that 58% were vitamin D- deficient while 30% shown to have insufficient levels of vitamin D – Philippine College of Occupational Medicine (PCOM) director Dr. Marilou Renales
It was surprising to know that there is such a thing as Vitamin D Deficiency.
Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that can be manufactured by our own body with sunlight exposure. The sunlight exposure required to get the enough Vitamin D needed by our body depends on the time of the day, geographical location and your skin pigmentation. Dark skinned people needs more sun exposure since eumelanin (the most common type of Melanin) acts as natural sun screen protection. But we all know how sun exposure can be damaging to the skin, nyaks! So where to get Vitamin D?
Vitamin D can also be found in food, such as milk, but you need to consume a lot. An 8 ounce glass of milk contains 100 IUs of vitamin D, our body needs 800 IU of Vitamin D, do the math.
Can you drink that much milk in one day? Wait! Why do we need Vitamin D? What are the effects of having less Vitamin D?
Our body needs Vitamin D for calcium absorption and promote bone growth. Other benefits that we can get from Vitamin D:
What happens when we have Vitamin D deficiency?
With the above mentioned benefits from Vitamin D, I guess you now have an idea what happens when you don’t have enough Vitamin D in your body. Since Vitamin D aides in the absorption of Calcium, Vitamin D deficiency has a great effect on our bones. Rickets and osteomalacia are some vitamin D deficiency diseases.
Aside from sunlight and food, another way to get the enough Vitamin D our body needs is through supplement. The newest product from Unilab, a Vitamin D supplement, was recently launched:
Forti- D, the latest vitamin D supplement in the market, is a single- dose supplement that contains 800 IU of Vitamin D. “Taking one capsule of Forti- D every day helps reduce the rick of getting chronic diseases by unlocking the proper function of organs typically affected by such illnesses,” said Alex Panlilio, Unilab VP for consumer health.
Forti- D is now available in the market, sold at P6.50 (SRP).