I am very excited. OK, I am the type of person who is very excite-bale. I get excited on small things, on bigger things and almost everything. The reason why I am easily excite is because I looove plans. I love making plans. Back to why I am excited at this moment, my sisters will be here tomorrow! As you all know, one of sis will have her wedding on August 8. I already mentioned that I would be her photographer and almost everything but plans were changed. She now hired her own photographer (with video coverage) and all. Now she was telling me about a video presentation during the reception and I told her I can just make one for her. They just have to be here and we can have some photo shot at a very nice location. This will be my first photo shoot ever and my only equipment is tripod, my camera and lots of sunlight. Wish me luck guys!
We decided to have our shoot at Pasig Rainforest since it’s the nearest and we can tag the kids along and have our mini picnic. They will be here tomorrow and do more shopping at Divisoria and on Tuesday off we are to Rainforest.