This week’s theme for Mommy Moments is Treasured Picture. It is hard looking for a treasured picture when you’re mommy of three (and soon to be four). Of course, all of us knew that our treasured pic is again, about our kids (good thing Niko thought of Girls Talk). Actually, all pictures in my files are my treasure, specially those that I am with my family and those where my kids are in it. I am pretty sure that mommies like Fedhz and Kaye (who both got one kid only) would have a hard time picking their fave one. Just imagine how hard it has been to me.. Then again, I remember a certain photo that I like the most…
This was taken last May 2008, a week before I gave birth to our darling Chico. This is one of my treasure pic because the love they had with each other is undeniable and you can see from their smiles that they are excited for their coming baby.