I told you that my post last Monday will be my last emotional post about Ondoy but I guess a last post (without so much emotion) is the best way to say goodbye…
After the tragedy, we have seen the worst and all unexpected events and now everywhere you look, there are offers of survival kits and the likes. Survival kits are essential if you know what to put on those kits. Our experience with Ondoy taught me not only to be mentally alert but also to know what is really important during emergency. We were stranded from Saturday afternoon to Monday morning. It was during those time that we learned what is important and should have been in our survival kit.
WATER. Not just ordinary water but a clean one too. We can all attest the importance of water to our lives. We can live for days without food but not water. So when flash flood hits again, bring with you at least a gallon of water. It has been said that a gallon of water is good enough for one person for three days.
RADIO. From our experience, the lack of communication to the “outside world’ made it more depressing and stressful. We don’t know what’s happening, we have no idea if our case would worsen in a minute or two. A battery operated radio is a must too.
FOOD and MEDICINE. Obviously, though not as important as water, we need food to survive. Food that are ready to eat is must. When the water enters our house, we never thought of saving some food as we go upstairs. the kids suffered and so we are too. The only thing that kept us from hunger is a food supplement (NATURE’S WAY ALIVE).
I cannot elaborate more since our encounter with Ondoy is not as hard as those who were stranded on their roofs. We were lucky t have a second floor with balcony that made our sanity intact. Our experience is limited but I you find my list useful… all those Ondoy related experience made me miss my chatting time with my kumares (fedhz, Kaye, Niko and Jade)…