Host: This our second week and I have been reading a lot of reviews about our show (f you want to review the show, make it a good one ok?)
This week our topic is about Caesarean Delivery. According to pehpot, she never experienced (and no plans) CS delivery, so when she thought about topics for her guest blogger, Caesarean delivery is on her top choice.
Today our guest is the lovely women behind so many blogs. I don’t know how to introduce her properly but most of all you knows her and enjoys talking to her (or asking a favor to her), the woman behind the very successful meme;GIRLS TALK
Let’s all welcome NIKO (or to many of you Marce Niko)
Niko: Hello everyone!
Host: Niko, Thank you so much for being our guest today. (this is a taped interview as Niko can’t come to a live interview. we hope that her boss won’t read this and discovered that this was the reason why she came late that day.. well of course except for the time when she, pehpot and kat watched In My Life) How does it feel being a guest here on A DAY IN MY BLOG?
Niko: (teary eyed) I’m touched. Really, this is very touching. I am so touched..
Host: So let’s talk about your Caesarean delivery,When did you know you will have to deliver your baby by CS delivery? Is it an option to you or is it the only way to deliver the baby?
Niko: After 8 hours in the delivery room and without any sign that the baby was ready to go out by normal delivery, my OB talked to husband that I have to undergo CS operation. There was no progress in my cervix so my OB decided to burst my water bag to increase contractions and dilation of cervix. There was still no progress but husband told the OB to wait for two hours, sadly the baby looked like she doesn’t want to leave my tummy yet so after two hours they transferred me to operating room for the CS.
In my record of operation, I found out that my Obstetrician’s diagnosis was arrest in cervical dilatation secondary to inlet contraction.
Honestly, my Obstetrician didn’t give me any option. I told her early on that I wanted a normal delivery. The day I gave birth was my scheduled pre natal check up; I was 36 weeks and 4 days pregnant. The OB ordered my admission and told me I was 6-7 dilated already.
Host: That must have been hard for you. I can imagine how it is when you planned on something but circumstances brought you to another, so how was the procedure?
Niko: I was brought to the delivery room at 12pm 6-7cm dilated. There were two nurses beside me; the gay nurse was asking me lots of questions while the other one was counting the contractions. At one point (maybe after 3 hrs) one nurse injects something at my shoulder and told me it will be painful. It really was, she said it will make me fall to sleep. I woke up at 6pm and the OB said I might have a CS. After 2 hours I was wheeled to the operating room.
Host:Are you awake? half asleep? How was the anesthesia?
Niko: (about to cry)I was awake the moment I was being brought to the operating room, I was teary eyed while talking to husband on my way to operating room. Husband kissed me on the forehead and that’s my last vivid memory. I think I fell asleep before entering the operating room.
Host: (wonders why Niko is crying, hands over tissue box) After the anesthesia died down, how was it?
NIko: I was asleep the whole time in the operating room. I woke up at 9pm and was told by the nurse that I was at the recovery room. I felt my half body was numb, I can’t move my feet. I felt dead from my waist down. I was transferred to my room at 9am, that time I can raise both my feet.
Host: As we all know that delivery by CS leaves you a scar to clean up to, in our own language, we call it “tahi” (stitch).. I wonder hod do were you able to took care of the “tahi” and does it affect your caring capability to your newborn?
Niko: My husband took care of the cut as I can’t even look at it. He cleans the cut twice a day with betadine. I forgot for how long I wore those binders, but the tighter I wore them the comfortable I can be walking and moving around the house.
For the first two weeks yes. It was hard breastfeeding the baby and taking care of the wound..
Host: If pehpot was here, for sure she would cringe at the thought of it.. haha
So If given a chance or if you have a choice, would you undergo another CS delivery?
Niko: If given a chance, I’d like a normal operation.. But since I am used to having operation and wounds, I get a hang of it already LOL so another CS is just fine.
Host: wow! you are real brave amidst those tears eh, I heard that you’re planning your second CS next year I hope you’ll have it by (counts 9 months from January) October and again thanks so much for flooding us with tears sharing us your time.
If you know more about her aside from Girls Rule, you can also take a peak on her personal blog, Niko’s Blog. If you’re up for some love reads, head on to her relationship site, Lover’s Mushroom and if you want to take a look on how adorable her daughter Yena is, head on to Yena’s World.
Watch out for our second episode on Caesarean Delivery this coming Wednesday and you’ll be surprised on who our next blogger is. See you again here at The hottest talk show in blogniverse: