It has been a while since we last checked on each other. Actually we had a chat yesterday but before that, we hadn’t talked for a week (I guess). Talk to us means chatting like we have nothing else to do but say LOL at each other. Seriously, almost everyday, we chat non stop. Around 10 AM, after lunch, afternoon and night time and if I win over my bed, even late at night. I missed that girl. I know she is busy too and I am still neck deep on my to do list. I never run out of thingssss to do.
And so when I learned that there will be another event (mommy event) on Saturday, I took it as an opportunity to have a date with her. Yup, we will both attend the JJ event on Jan 30. I will be bringing Chico and Sati along. She will bring YZ along. I am pretty sure, whatever the outcome of the event, we will both have a good time. I also learned Paula will come along too!
I can’t wait for Saturday! (uy may inggit!) *grin