At 35
I am really feeling happy and light today. Later will be Kayil’s graduation. Please don’t laugh if I will tell you that I cried. Uh, I know I will. Aside from that, I got some good news from my mail. I am happy for my Marce. Another, I was INSPIRED! Feels like I just got back from Orlando vacation. Why? I found a new blog to follow! It’s a fashion blog and I am obsessed. I told myself at 35 I will be as fashionable as her or even half. I love CZVS but I can’t go for her avant garde taste, uh, it’s too avant garde for me.
Yeah, when I turn 35, I will start putting some style on my clothing. I can put whatever clothes I want by then without having to consider comfort. I mean without having to consider if I breastfeed or run with that clothe. Sati will be 7 by then too and I need to set an example for her. I do not want her growing up being plain. I want her to by stylish and fasyon (slang for fashionable) and for sure the marce club will support that. Right guys?
Congratulations to all our winners. You made our contest more fun and more exciting. From our target of 50 participants, we got 90 plus. We really we have that much money so that we can give every one a prize. We even thought of giving away promotional pens for all the contestants. If we have no financial limitations, surely, you would have received your pen by now.
Imagine that those pens has K&P Blogversary logo hihi
We have learned a lot and by next year we will come up with a contest more exciting than what we had. See you all! Oh, I miss seeing hundreds of comments in my dashboard waiting for my approval 🙂