The reason why I had to go to an OB Gyne was because I was suffering from thrush.. my breast and down there.. I got it from Sati who’s experiencing oral thrush. And so to avoid the infection from being passed back and forth, treating Sati’s would mean I need to be treated too.
And so the OB suggest that I should stop breastfeeding while being treated.. er.. I guess that confirms it why that OB was so amused or shocked that I have four kids.. because she don’t have any yet. If she had, she would know that when you are purely breastfeeding, weaning your baby even for a day is SUPER DUPER HARD.
I should have just called my OB.. haayss. that OB is not my real OB, I just have no choice that time because I can’t go to my real OB.. haays…
Aside from telling me to stop breastfeeding, she also prescribed an ointment. I should have not waste the HMOs money for that stupid OB. I should have just read on…but since I am a mom who always make sure that what we get is the best there is, I just have to go for that check up.
At least I know now that it is not life threatening.
And now I learned that the best treatment for breastfeeding thrush is garlic.. yes. just crush some and rub it in your breast, specially the affected area. Let it sit for about 5 to 10 minutes or until you can tolerate the pain then rinse it thoroughly with hot water and salt. Another thing is to let your nipples air dry every after breastfeeding.