SPOILER ALERT (specially for AoS fans)
I realized that I am more of an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D fan (and Agent Carter) than Avengers fan. All through out the movie, I was hoping Phil would appear and the Avengers will be shocked to see him alive! Or even a scene with Iron Man, if I am not mistaken, he’s very close to Phil. Agent Coulson was present in 2 Iron Man movies. Tony Stark even offered Phil to fly home to Portland to see Audrey (the cellist whom Phil had a romantic relationship).
But I jumped with the sight of Agent Carter!!! She is… waaaaaah (opps sorry! fan mode!)
Back to the movie, I was a bit disappointed that no one from my series appeared but overall Age of Ultron is a great movie. Here are the things that I like about the movie:
- More stories from the less known (but equally great) characters
- It’s funny how the movie makes fun of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark character differences (which maybe the foundation of Captain America 3!)
- The fight scenes are really cool, not jaw dropping but enjoyable
- The Scarlet Twins and the Scarlet twist (sorry no spoiler here)
Things that makes me sad:
- Hawk Eye’s personal life is not convincing.. it feels like the story was forced
- The love affair.. another forced plot.. no chemistry at all
- Why no Phil Coulson?
- Why no end credits scene?? (there is a mid credits scene, but super short!)
The movie was really great, no doubt about that, but it lacks the grandness, the magic, that overwhelming feeling of seeing all of them together in one film. I don’t regret though that we lined up for the first day showing.
Have you seen Avengers Age of Ultron? What can you say about this movie?