Breastfeeding and Pumping, these are two things that does not work well with me. I cannot pump well. Or maybe the pumping device I used was a cheap one (hehe). I have high regards to working mothers who still breastfeed their babies (shout out to Nicquee!). I tried pumping before and it really takes a lot of effort and not to mention frustrations. I tried it with my first born. We were to shop some Christmas presents and he was barely 2 months then. I tried pumping and the most I got was 1 ounce of milk. I’m luckier with my second born, milk supply was better then. As with my third born, he’s lucky, I never leave him even if we look for a case of my ipod nano, he’s with us (thank goodness for slings!). Now with Sati, there are times that my milk supply are good but there are times when it’s not. So during her first 6 months, she’s my plus one in every events I attend (err plus 2 for the helper).
As I read about Breastfeeding and Pumping, I learned that the key to success is still the mom’s willingness to feed the baby with her milk. It’s not easy as most books will say but if the mother is determined to do it, nothing can stop them. And of course, proper knowledge can really help in making it a success. Just before you give birth, research about pumping devices. This will be your partner in this business. There are two types of pumps, manual and electric. Obviously, electric pump is way better than manual pumps but it is more expensive too. Look for a pump that won’t break your budget but can be a good one for you. Also, ask around, you might be surprised that there are moms who are willing to sell their pumps.
When to start pumping breast milk?
Start pumping week ahead of your maternity leave. Let your breast get used to it. Save the milk and freeze it. This will save you in the future as you’ll never know how much stress going back to work (while breastfeeding will bring you or its effect on your milk supply). From time to time, let the baby feed on the bottle with your milk. Let the baby get used to feeding bottles.
Getting back to work while Breastfeeding and Pumping
There are breastfeeding products available that lets you pump hands free. isn’t that amazing? Breastfeeding blouses are also everywhere to make it more discreet for you. And if it’s up on your alley, rally some of the moms in your office and ask for a breastfeeding section.
To make it easy for you, drink a lot of liquids that can increase your supply, in my case, it’s Orange juice with pulp and choco drink 🙂