“WOW! CORNED BEEF!”, exclaimed my 5 year old boy. You can see the delight in his face, oh well, his excitement is obvious in his tone. Corned beef is his favorite meal. If I want him to wake up, I just cook corned beef. The smell of it is very appetizing to him and the redness of the meal is very appealing to him. He liked it on egg, as omelet. He liked it with onions and he even like it on bread. Mico, my second born child is a corned beef kid.
Kayil , my first born son, likes shrimp. He can do shrimp everyday. I am just glad that my seafoods intolerance was not passed down to him. He loves shrimp in sinigang, saute with garlic and chili or plain buttered shrimp. He got it from his dad who’s stable food is seafoods and beef. Other than shrimp he also like crab. And again, I am glad that he does not share the same food intolerance with me.
Corned beef and shrimp, what a great combination (that’s sarcasm there). And both are not cheap, I tell you. Mico only likes one brand of corned beef (yep the most expensive local brand) and we also like it as much (that’s triple the cost). Shrimp can cost 500 PhP or more per kilograms and Kayil can finish 1/4 kg in one sitting. And if I want them to eat a lot of rice everyday, this is what I should prepare everyday. That is not budget friendly.
Finances aside, I don’t think these foods are providing enough nutrients for my kids. Can you just imagine, corned beef and shrimp. Both may have some nutrients, but I know it’s not just enough. In fact,my first born son is on the lower line in terms of height and weight. I think we need to focus more on his calorie intakes and calcium intake.
How about you mommies? What are the favorite meals of your kids?