Iligtas Sa Tigdas Ang Pinas is a Door to Door MR Immunization Campaign vaccinating children 9 months to below 8 years old.
Here is an English version of the leaflet given to us during the campaign:
What is Measles?
Measles is a contagious disease caused by virus.
How does one got infected with Measles?
If a person does not have vaccine against Measles, he is prone to Measles and a contact from someone with Measles can get him the infection. Measles is contagious from the day that the symptoms appear until 4 days after the rashes appears on the body.
Why is Measles dangerous and can take lives?
Measles is an infection that can be easily transferred, by contact to a person with Measles or even breathing the air an infected person breathes. Measles target kids below 8 years old and when Measles is not treated properly, it can lead to complications such as Pneumonia, Encephalitis, Deafness, Ear Infection, Diarrhea and Dehydration.
Children who have no Measles vaccines and even adults can be affected.
What are the symptoms of Measles?
People suffering from Measles usually have rashes on their body, these are reddish and small and this can last 3 days or more. Other symptoms are fever, colds, coughs, reddish eyes at pagmumuta (what’s the English term for muta???)
What is Iligtas Sa Tigdas Ang Pinas campaign all about?
The campaign, ” Iligtas Sa Tigdas Ang Pinas” is a nationwide campaign that will last for 20 days (the last I heard it was extended). The aim of this campaign is to give vaccinations to children ages 9 months to 7 years old 11 months (or kids below 8 years old) that will protect them from Measles and German Measles.
The campaign should be dine in order to hamper the virus from spreading in the community and to lower the number of children being in danger to Measles infection.
When is Iligtas Sa Tigdas Ang Pinas campaign?
The campaign will happen/ happened last April 4 until May 4, 2011 but the health workers told me that the campaign was extended until May 30 2011.
These are some of the questions that I asked when the health workers visited our place:
My kids already got their Measles dose when they were 9 months, do they need to be vaccinated again? Is there no overdose of Measles vaccination? What will happen to my kids after the vaccination? Will they have ever just like the vaccine they had when they were 9 months old? Will it hurt my kids? What kind of vaccine would it be, is it intramuscular? or is in injected in the veins or fats?
All my inquires were answered in the flyer given to us:
Even if the kids got their Measles vaccine when they were 9 months (or less if you had it with a private pedia), they still need the vaccine given during the campaign for added protection. For babies who just got their Measles vaccine, they should wait for 30 days before they can have another dose.
There is no OVERDOSE. Measles vaccination has no overdose. The antibodies in our blood that gives protection against diseases decreases as the kid grows older. The additional vaccine can give them added protection against Measles.
The kind of vaccine given was injected in fats, hence it was not painful. But of course for kids older than 3 years old, the sight of the needle can make them crazy.
After the vaccination, the kid can play and do whatever they want. The parents should observe if the kids will have fever and if they do, give them paracetamol. According to the health workers, the kids won’t have.
If the kid already suffered from Measles, is she still included in the campaign?
What must we do to make sure that our kids was included in the campaign?
- Consult with you Health Center.
- Ask for the exact date where in the health workers will visit your place.
- Prepare the kids and make sure that they are clean during the vaccination.
How can we help in this campaign?
Spread the word and encourage people to participate in the campaign.
In our experience, the kids did not suffered anything, no painful arm, no fever. After the vaccination they are still as lively as they are before it.
If you are in doubt, ask your pediatrician about it.